
Nicht jeder liebt die Sommerzeit. Für die übergewichtige Sara bedeutet „Sommer“ nur, dass sie ständig mit dem Gelächter, den Urteilen und Beschimpfungen der Schulschönheiten zu kämpfen hat. Doch dann taucht ein mysteriöser Unbekannter im Dorf auf und plötzlich sind Saras Peinigerinnen spurlos verschwunden. Endlich scheint sich jemand für sie einzusetzen. Sara ist die einzige Zeugin der brutalen Tat; ein wortloser Pakt, den keiner von beiden verraten wird, ist geschlossen. Das Verbrechen erschüttert das Dorf und bald beginnen die Ermittlungen. Doch anstatt Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen, setzt Sara alles daran, die Spuren zu verwischen. (Pandafilm)


Kritiken (4)

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Englisch Fat Carrie from the Spanish backwoods. Sarah, a butcher's daughter, is being bullied by a trio of douchebags. Coincidentally, however, after one particularly nasty episode, she witnesses said douchebags being loaded into a white van by an unknown psychopath and driven off to enjoy some torture. Good for them, she says logically enough, and with a friendly wave she lets the van drive off and keeps the whole experience to herself. Her conscience gnaws at her a little, but the situation is complicated by the fact that she and the kidnapper have formed a romantic bond during the brief moment they saw each other. What follows is a surprisingly brisk horror-thriller ride (I was expecting a much more sedate film that prefers dramatic digging into moral issues over genre attractions) with irresistible gusts of black humour and a decently gritty finale. Given that Piggy doesn't take itself too seriously, I'll turn a blind eye to some of the awkward scenes (e.g. the sequence when the heroine goes looking for her mobile phone and randomly bumps into several people is simply weird) and I’m giving it a weak four. ()


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Deutsch Ein übergewichtiges Mädchen leidet unter dem Spott der Kleinstadt, in der es lebt. Der einzige Mensch, welcher der jungen Frau zufälligerweise Halt gibt, ist ein tobender Mörder, dessen Identität und Aufenthaltsort nur sie kennt. Ein interessantes Thema und ein vielversprechender Anfang des Films. Sein Drehbuch schweift aber von den interessanten Dingen ab und nervt mit überflüssigen Dialogen mit der Mutter und der Polizei, in denen geklärt wird, warum die Hauptheldin die Ereignisse verheimlicht, die sie als Zeugin miterlebt hat. Als ob es das Publikum nicht wüsste. Das eskalierte blutige Finale dämpft die Verlegenheit des Publikums. Man hat aber trotzdem den Eindruck, dass das Potenzial des Films vergeudet wurde. ()


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Englisch Oink Oink Oink! Disappointment from Spain. Piggy had the potential to be a great bully/revenge exploitation film with many interesting scenes, but everything was left unused. Personally, I was hoping that the first half would get a psychological charge with an obese girl being bullied in the worst way, to then take revenge on all the girls in the style of I Spit On Your Grave, but I was very soon misled with what they served up. There is only one bullying scene (that's downright mockery), this is exactly what the film should have built on to give the viewer some empathy for the girl, because sympathy is definitely not won and she is not pretty to look at. So instead of bullying or anything interesting, we get more of a social drama where nothing much interesting happens and the TV visuals make it a very uninteresting spectacle. Unfortunately, even the revenge itself isn't satisfying, anyone who has seen a few films in this genre can't be satisfied with this one at all. There is some violence at the very end, but it's so woefully little and late that it's hardly worth mentioning. Piggy tries for some sort of social subtext, but it's woefully boringly shot and uninteresting. There isn’t any gore or dirty exploitation. It didn't entertain me or satisfy me, it pissed me off. 4/10, ()


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Englisch A strange alliance between a bullied teenager (played by a 35-year-old actress) and a Ben Foster look-alike with a beer-stain and murderous tendencies. It’s hard to say what irritated me more: the nearly hour-long middle segment of searching and pounding, which tries to pad out the original short format, the poor acting, or the creators’ belief that they were making it for idiots. Anyone who claims they didn’t think of Joe Hallenbeck’s line about being rolled in flour and looking for a wet spot is lying... ()