Silent Night - Stumme Rache

  • USA Silent Night (mehr)
Trailer 1


Brian Godlock (Joel Kinnaman) muss mit ansehen, wie sein kleiner Sohn an Heiligabend in das Kreuzfeuer einer Gang gerät und stirbt. Dabei wird er selbst schwer verletzt und seiner Stimme beraubt. Rache wird nun zu seiner einzigen Mission und er beginnt dafür ein hartes Training. Godlock ist bereit, alles zu riskieren, um den Tod seines Sohnes zu vergelten. (Leonine)


Kritiken (3)

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Englisch  John Woo's best era of movies is behind him and Silent Night doesn't completely offend, but if you're a fan of A-list action flicks, this has no chance to succeed. Plus, the idea of a silent hero didn't work for me. I felt hardly any sympathy towards the protagonist, we don't find out his character and there are no wisecracks, so I see this as a minus. Moreover, nothing happens for the first fifty minutes. The protagonist loses his son and is badly injured, and for more than half the film he copes and practices before deciding to take revenge. The second half is pretty good, it's R-rated, with occasionally nice slow motion, visually it’s fine (the two intense fights are great), but the shootouts are bland as the opponents charge like dummies, and the final showdown is nothing special either. Joel Kinnaman with his weird expression didn't suit me at all for the first time. All in all, a watchable but forgettable action B-movie. 55% ()


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Deutsch Eine ideale Wahl für den Neujahrskater. Keine Dialoge, nur das typische effektvolle Bilder-Erzählen der Geschichte von John Woo im Stil der Van-Damm-Filme der 90er Jahre. Mit soliden Actionszenen und Joel Kinnaman als „volksnahem Actionhelden“. Ein wenig fauler als das Drehbuch von Nobody und ohne Humor. Ein bisschen kitschig, zum Beispiel wenn der trauernde Vater das Gesicht seines toten Sohnes in einer Weihnachtskugel sieht. Und weiße Tauben gab es keine oder habe ich sie nur nicht bemerkt? ()


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Englisch This won't be a Christmas classic. John Woo made a variation of Death Wish as a silent film and that's about the only thing the film stands out for. The long exposition where Dad recovers, learns how to kill on YouTube and works out in the basement isn't very substantial and portrays him as a bit (a lot) of a selfish asshole. The action is properly gory, but compared to the likes of John Wick, it's not second league, but third league. It's just not interesting enough anymore. Luckily there are older pieces like Hard Boiled or Killer that the uninitiated can use to fix their appetite. ()