
Tagsüber ist Patrick Bateman ein erfolgreicher New Yorker Yuppie, doch nachts kompensiert er die Leere in seinem Leben durch sadistische Morde an Obdachlosen und Geschäftsfreunden. (TNT Film)

Kritiken (10)

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Deutsch Die Kritik der Oberflächlichkeit des Lebensstils und der verzerrten Werte der Geschäftsleute von Wall Street in einem unterhaltsamen Slasher-Thriller mit Untertönen einer schwarzen zynischen Komödie. Zu Bale passt die Rolle des Soziopathen perfekt. Der Film sieht gut aus und hat einen schwungvollen Schnitt. Er wirkt aber genauso oberflächlich und kalt wie das kritisierte Subjekt. Die Sexszenen sind überraschend offen. Sie sind aber nicht so persönlich und sie definieren die Hauptfigur nicht so wie z. B. in dem Film Shame. Sie möchten nur für eine Überraschung und einen Schock im Mainstream mit einer Star-Besetzung sorgen. ()


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Deutsch Vom Anfang bis zum Ende habe ich an den Film Der Leichenverbrenner gedacht. American Psycho ist nämlich auch so ein Gleichnis, welches den Geisteszustand des Haupthelden und gleichzeitig den Zustand der Gesellschaft analysiert, in der er lebt. In diesem Fall ist es ein an allen Haaren herbeigezogenes karikaturistisches Bild der Wallstreet-Highsociety, die mit einer unerträglichen Unermüdlichkeit ständig und sinnlos quatscht. Im Kontrast dazu steht ein Mensch, der sich von dieser snobistischen Herde dadurch abhebt, dass er ein psychopathischer Mörder ist. Aber interessiert sich jemand für sein Hobby? Der ausgezeichnete Christian Bale und ein schlaues Drehbuch, das nur scheinbar keinen Inhalt hat, so wie all das Geschwätz an den Tischen in noblen Restaurants. ()


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Englisch A probe into the mind of a member of a certain animal species from Wall Street who revels in expensive formal suits and designer goods, slaps on all sorts of menthol, moisturizing and peeling masks, regularly visits tanning salons, blathers about nothing in his circle of friends passing it off as serious deep musings. His measure of success is, among other things, the appearance of his business card, which he likes to compare with his equally afflicted friends, and to be free and cool, he goes to parties to snort coke. In fact, he is so bored with his emotional emptiness that he entertains himself in a quite "original" way, he kills. Those empty-minded suits sometimes make you so sick that the murders aren't even that disgusting in comparison. And to be honest, the murders are the least interesting thing about the whole movie. ()


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Englisch An intentionally controversial thriller. Do I mind? Not at all. Bale is fantastically convincing in the role of the psychotic financier Bat(e)man and so is the portrayal of that high society world. Of course, I’ve no idea how realistic it is, but I know that I don’t have even the slightest desire to live it first hand. ()


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Englisch American Psycho is one of those films that can be rated from one to five stars. From a technical standpoint, it's a decently crafted piece with good cinematography, editing, and especially strong acting performances, where most of the cast gives it their all, and it's almost a pity that the same level of performance isn't seen in a stronger film. Even in small roles, quality actors like Chloë Sevigny as the secretary shine. However, the problem lies with the content, which, while superficially flashy, is internally empty and decadent - scenes from the high society milieu, nightclubs filled with glamorous beauties and yuppies in elegant squares are typical. In short, it's a kitschy affair that, while somewhat faithfully capturing Bret Easton Ellis' literary source material, is quite indigestible for me. Overall impression: 40%. ()


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Englisch // - I can’t believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten’s card to mine. // - But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet. Raised lettering, pale nimbus. White. - Impressive. Very nice. Hmm, let’s see Paul Allen’s card. // Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark. // ()


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Englisch A critique of the rich that is incredibly dull and uninteresting. A film that should never have been made. Or should have been directed by Oliver Stone. ()


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Englisch After finishing the book adaptation by Bret Easton Ellis, I finally decided to watch the film adaptation, which I appropriately appreciated thanks to my knowledge from the book. After reading the book, I enjoyed the film even more, it is really well put together and contains many dialogues that are literally identical to those in the book. The book is written as if it were a diary, which also makes it feel so cold and portrays the character of Patrick Bateman as an absolute self-centered psychopath, which he is. In the film, I appreciate the focus mainly on the psychology of the main character, which in my opinion has been captured perfectly. The book is controversial mainly due to the detailed descriptions of murders, sexual games, cannibalism, and other various perversities. However, do not look for that in the film, that's the magic of the book, and that's why I'm glad that there are not many violent scenes in the film, because I wouldn't want to see how it would turn out if the creators tried to shock with the film and attempted to depict brutal violence. Here, this probe into the mind of a psychopath fits better and only certain hints sound better here, such as playing with a strand of hair of the victim, whom he invited to his apartment the day before, rather than it being based on brutal scenes. This is a one-man show by Christian Bale, who fits perfectly into the role of Pat Bateman and his acting performance is impressive. The book is very cleverly written, alternating between murder passages and chapters where practically nothing happens and they only deal with which tie goes well with which suit and who manages whose account, but as a whole everything fits together beautifully and you really feel like you're reading a psychopath's diary. His inner feelings, daydreams, moods, and finally even the acts described in the book, many people may consider it just an attempt to shock or they may find it just a disgusting and pathetic novel for perverts by a pervert, but it's not like that. The book reflects reality and excellently depicts the behavior of certain individuals and shows that there are such individuals among us. Ellis hit the nail on the head and I consider his work a masterpiece, and I think the same about the film adaptation. ()


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Englisch It might even make sense, but it's hard to say. Maybe it’s profound. Who knows. I had a fantastic time, though. ()


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Englisch I was wondering the whole time if Christian Bale's acting was merely overacting or basically a near-perfect performance. It's abundantly clear that a subject this interesting will stir up controversy at the mere mention of it and demand the attention of the wider public – just because of WHAT IT'S ABOUT. Personally, I was satisfied, I didn't even mind the "over-pointed" ending and as a result American Psycho impressed me as a worthy precursor to Dexter or Mr. Brooks. ()

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