Die Rückkehr der Zombies

  • Bundesrepublik Deutschland Die Rückkehr der Zombies (mehr)


The nights of terror are unleashed when a professor's thirst for knowledge seals his own demise when he unwittingly unseals a cursed underground crypt in an ancient burial ground!
The desecrated graveyard erupts with a ground swell of ravenous, rotting, flesh hungry zombies that shamble into the night in search of living human prey! On the adjoining grounds, a group of clueless, decadent socialites are enjoying a wild weekend retreat of debauchery. Among the the eccentric guest are a nympho mother and her freakish, incestuous son! Unfortunately for the guests, their isolated country villa lies directly in the path of the flesh-eating horde that have party plans of their own! (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch Frauen sollten definitiv mehr Horrorfilme schauen oder zumindest die grundlegenden Regeln kennen, dann würden sie solch einen Unsinn nicht machen, wie hier zum Beispiel. Sie würden sich sicherlich von verglasten Türen fernhalten, hinter denen eine Horde hungriger Leichen wartet. Und ganz sicher würden sie auch ihr tödlich blasses Kind nicht umarmen, bei dem eine ordentliche Brustwarze droht... Burial Ground ist ein weiterer Trashfilm, der in Fulcis Fußstapfen tritt und ihm in einigen Momenten Tribut zollt (das Mädchenauge, das sich dem herausragenden Splitter nähert). Bianchi hat sich nicht wirklich um Details gekümmert (in einer Szene dringen 9 Zombies ins Haus ein, der Mann schießt vielen von ihnen den Kopf ab, aber in der folgenden Aufnahme verlassen die gleiche Anzahl von Toten wieder die Tür), aber die von Würmern zerfressenen Masken sind ziemlich cool, es gibt viel Gore, vielleicht hätten nur mehr Nachtaufnahmen sein können. PS: So hässliche Bastarde scheinen tatsächlich nur in Italien geboren zu werden. ()


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Englisch The plot is, as you'd expect, about nothing, but the really cool zombie presence from beginning to end makes up for that. The make-up effects are good, the close-ups make the zombies look like worms are crawling from them, but the clothes they're wearing are too well preserved. They have those classic slow, clumsy movements, but otherwise surprise with their abilities. They know how to use an axe and a scythe, they can throw a shovel, climb a wall and even operate a circular saw. Very clever zombies. Probably some higher level of development :).... Quite a decent and sometimes quite brutal addition to the zombie genre. ()


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Englisch Demented story, horrible masks, boring slush - that's how I would summarize this garbage. Even within the trash genre, it's just bad in every aspect. The film is "significant" only in that it gave the world one of the most bizarre characters ever to appear on the silver screen - and that is Peter Bark. His scenes with his mother are the most interesting thing the film offers - but I don't mean that in a good way. Some specific passages are way over the line. Bark's childlike appearance is responsible for his pedophilic relationship with his mother taking on a new dimension - starting with kissing and ending with nibbling on a nipple. And he was 26 at the time of filming! Bizarre beyond belief. 1* for the courage of director Andrei Bianchi to release such a grotesque piece of crap. ()