American Pie präsentiert: Die nächste Generation

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Matt Stifler will seinem äteren Bruder, dem legendren Steve Stifler oder auch "Stiffmeister" nacheifern, um bei dessen "Stiffmeister Productions" mitmachen zu drfen - heimlich gedrehte Videos von nackten Mödels.Als er bei einem klassischen Stiffmeister-Streich er und seine Kumpels besprhen die Instrumente der Schul-Band mit Pfefferspray erwischt wird, schickt ihn Sherman der "Shermanator", ehemaliger Mitschler Steves und inzwischen Schlerberater, zur Strafe mit allen Langweilern des Schulorchesters ins "Band Camp" Ferienlager. Matt installiert berall im Camp versteckte Kameras, um die knackigen Rundungen der sogenannten "Bandies" zu filmen. Dass er sich zu diesem Zweck mit einigen von ihnen anfreunden muss und sich dann auch noch in seine alte Schulfreundin Elyse verliebt, passt ihm gar nicht in den Kram... (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (4)

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Deutsch Nur sehr wenig Witz, der darüber hinaus nur auf der Popularität der "Prcička"-Serie reitet. Ohne bekannte Charaktere ist es nicht dasselbe, vor allem die Abwesenheit von Stifler dem Älteren ist enttäuschend. Etwa alle fünf Minuten geht es über die Grenze der Peinlichkeit hinaus. Für weitere Teile werde ich wohl keine Lust mehr haben. ()


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Englisch The first instalment of The American Pie that is not actually The American Pie. They only borrowed the brand, one surname and the story was set into a summer camp, which once upon a time witnessed one unforgettable scene with a flute. However, I admit that it was pretty good. Nothing special, but the likeable actors lifted the nice atmosphere, which does not offend, annoy or surprise you. It’s simply a movie that is perfect for just relaxing. ()


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Englisch Matt Stiffler, Jim's dad, a music camp known directly from the second part, references to legendary characters and episodic role of the Sherminator. And we didn't have much more from the original series. And because Matt follows in the footsteps of his older brother, you can expect a similarly sharp tongue. But in this case, this madman is the main character, and because American Pie has always been about romance in the end, unfortunately, he will also be redeemed. Although it may have been worth it for this heavily attractive Spears-like plagiarism. The overall impression would surprisingly be positive if it weren't for the gratuitous fecal moments that seem to have slipped in from a completely different movie. After watching all the remaining sequels, however, these are ultimately weaker three stars. For example, the following Naked Mile headed to significantly more treacherous places. 50% ()


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Englisch I'm not particularly fond of this spin-off series, but you can't deny that there are some funny moments in it. True, most movies rip each other off, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still funny now and then. But I was more into the romantic side of it. I guess I really am too sentimental sometimes. But the characters, apart from the main female protagonist, are really awful. ()