
Doc McCoy (Alec Baldwin) sitzt im Knast. Um in die ersehnte Freiheit zu gelangen, lässt er sich auf einen Deal mit dem berüchtigten Gangster Jack Benyon (James Woods) ein. Neuauflage von Sam Peckinpahs gleichnamigen Thrillerklassikers aus dem Jahr 1972. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (3)

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Englisch I've had long-standing issues with the acting performances of both main actors, with Kim Basinger's being significantly more pronounced. However, I must admit that in this film, they acted decently, and there was even a certain chemistry between them. As a remake, it's fully functional, a good film that didn't disgrace its predecessor, and the casting of some supporting roles is even more inspired than in the original. A decent crime film for a late evening. Overall impression: 60%. ()


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Deutsch Der Macho Alec Baldwin, die sexy Kim Basinger, ein bisschen Erotik, ein wenig Action, harte und ekelige Schufte in einem leicht amoralischen und spannenden Abenteuer, das weder langweilig noch großartig ist. ()


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Englisch I hope this is intended as a (very bad) joke. Because probably nobody in their right mind could think that Donaldson were equal to Peckinpah. Not to speak of actors. Although... I quite like Alec of the Baldwins, although he could never “substitute for" Steve McQueen, but nor did he try to. If you stood the original and the remake Doc face to face, then Alec’s would shit bricks, if you’ll excuse my French, at the first glance that Steve threw at him. Here we clearly see the difference between the lack of political correctness of the seventies and the rather mundane slickness of the nineties. Another in an endless series of absolutely pointless remakes. And this one was very poor even if you don’t compare it to the original. Not to speak of when you do. ()