Waltz with Bashir

  • Schweiz Waltz with Bashir (mehr)
Trailer 2
Israel / Frankreich / Deutschland / USA / Finnland / Schweiz / Belgien / Australien, 2008, 90 min

Streaming (2)


In einer Kneipe diskutiert der israelische Regisseur Ari Folman nachts mit einem Freund über dessen regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Alptraum, in dem er von einer 26-köpfigen Meute zähnefletschender Hunde gehetzt wird. Dieselbe Anzahl Hunde hatte der Freund während des Libanon-Einsatzes töten müssen. Am nächsten Tag tauchen bei Ari Folman erstmals eigene Erinnerungen an jene Zeit auf, darunter immer wieder ein Bild, das ihn als jungen Soldaten zusammen mit zwei Kameraden beim Baden in einer Beiruter Bucht zeigt. Plötzlich spürt er den unbändigen Drang, das reale Geschehen zu rekonstruieren, und beschließt, einige seiner ehemaligen Kriegskameraden aufzusuchen und zu befragen. Dabei werden verdrängte Erinnerungen Schicht um Schicht freigelegt. (arte)


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Trailer 2

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alle Kritiken

Deutsch Ein Dynamik der Animation vermischt mit einem perfekten Soundtrack, einem faszinierenden Grundriss über die Suche nach dem eigenen Gedächtnis, gesättigt mit einem Lebensgefühl sowie einer Haltung, welche der amerikanischen Reflexion über Vietnam in den 1980er Jahren nicht unähnlich ist. An der Grenze zwischen dokumentarischer und animierter Kunst funkelt es ständig irgendwo (die Ästhetik des Gemäldes ist modern, einfach und unendlich beeindruckend). Aber was ist das Beste an Waltz with Bashir? Sicherlich die einfache Metapher und ein narrativer Trick in einer einzigen Figur - die Suche nach dem Gedächtnis als Malerei, die Vermittlung von Traumata durch ein sich "entfernendes Objektiv" der Animation ... und schließlich der Zusammenbruch aller Barrieren angesichts der drastischen Realität. Die Tatsache, dass jene "Realität" mit dem identisch ist, was wir täglich am Ausdruck unbeteiligter Beobachter in den Nachrichten sehen, stellt lediglich einen sarkastischen Unterton als kleinen großen Bonus des Films dar. Waltz with Bashir haben einen solch eindrucksvollen Höhepunkt kaum ein anderer Kriegsfilm. Ari Folman Bravo! ()


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Englisch Let's now turn to a slightly different war film. The Middle East has been a crisis area for several decades now. Things happen here that are hard to imagine for those of us who live in relative peace. War is imminent here every day, sometimes it is just hours away from a state of war. The question is whether hatred is still truly so strong, or if it is simply a state that just persists. Actually, a very harsh, very bizarre stereotype. "Waltz with Bashir" is a film, actually a documentary film, that gives us a glimpse into the lives of several individuals who remember the events in Lebanon that took place years ago. These are their memories, and they are not very pleasant. Why else would the story be so interesting, right? They remember ordinary events, it would seem, but in reality, there is nothing ordinary about it. Everything comes together into a harsh conclusion that shakes you, I think. What is very positive about the film is the execution. It is not a live-action film, but an animated film, which is done in such a way and in such colors that it is perfectly in line with what the film is about. There aren't many animated documentary films, but this one definitely stands out above all. It is a presentation that is quite depressive, which doesn't bring much hope, much kindness. But what do you expect in a world where wars constantly rage on and show no signs of ending? More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2013/01/tobruk-valcik-s-basirem-2-dny-v-new.html ()



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Englisch I still remember the war between Israel and Lebanon, even though I was far from being an adult. The Israeli army wanted to destroy the main headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Beirut and force the Palestinians to leave Lebanon. Despite their overwhelming military superiority, this campaign turned into a nightmare because the Israeli army was not trained to fight against an enemy using guerrilla tactics and operating in urban areas. Up until then, the Israelis had been successful in battles against the large armies of their Arab neighbors in major military confrontations. An animated film can capture and depict the atmosphere of a crazy war even better than a live-action film, or at the very least, with significantly lower costs. It is a very interesting spectacle from an artistic perspective, as the color scheme of the shots that take place in the memories of the characters creates a tight yet very impressive atmosphere. It is a strongly anti-war movie, incredibly emotional, and early on in the year, it is already my main favorite for my ranking of the best films of this year. I'm just surprised that this film didn't receive an Oscar, and I really want to see the film that surpassed it, so that I can make a comparison. Overall impression: 100%. ()


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Englisch Ari Folman is right that memory is an evil-minded trickster. For example, mine kept reminding me that I already saw this somewhere else. Though not in such an enticing form (and from another place/period), but it was certainly truer and more sincere. If we must have animated Middle East memories of "something big and serious", then it should be in the form of Persepolis. At least one can feel a soul from it and not just a cold calculation (I knew nothing about the movie, but it was clear to me almost immediately that in the end we would be shown unanimated atrocities) that all too clearly depends on the fact that, thanks to the form and severity of the message, they can get away with almost anything, including boredom. But not in my book. ()

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