The Hills Run Red - Drehbuch des Todes

  • USA The Hills Run Red
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Eine Gruppe junger Filmemacher möchte das Mysterium um eine Produktion mit dem Namen “The Hills Run Red” und dessen Regisseur auflösen. Um dem Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen, wenden sie sich an den einzigen überlebenden Darsteller des Films. Der führt die Gruppe zum Drehort tief in den Wäldern. Dort angekommen muss die Clique feststellen, dass alle in “The Hills Run Red” gezeigten Geschehnisse der Realität entsprechen! Doch der Schrecken hat noch längst kein Ende: Es soll eine Fortsetzung des Gemetzels gedreht werden – mit ihnen als Darstellerriege! (Verleiher-Text)


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alle Kritiken

Deutsch Warum kann man nicht mehr gute Horrorfilme drehen? Ich mag dieses Genre eigentlich, doch ich stoße immer so auf einen guten von zehn. Ich würde mir wünschen, diese nicht schmeichelhafte Statistik deutlich zu verbessern. The Hills Run Red - Drehbuch des Todes mischen nur The Blair Witch Project und Michael Bay's Texas Chainsaw Massacre, das Ergebnis ist ziemlich unbefriedigend. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch The Hills Run Red is quite a pleasant surprise, and it's evident that even in the realm of slashers, it's possible to create an interesting film, even when combined with the mockumentary genre. This movie works. It's bloody enough, it's bold enough, and I'm glad that even American creators occasionally dare to make something with elements of innovation that ultimately turns out to be good. Maybe even more than just good. ()



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Englisch There must have been miracle in Dark Castle Entertainment! There’s no other way to explain the fact that a company that so far had only produced horror films that were average at best (even if most fans consider them less than that), this year has already delivered the enthusiastically received Orphan (which I still haven’t watched) and this hixploitation gem, The Hills Run Red. Personally, I’m thrilled that there are still low-key movies about which I know almost nothing beforehand and that can surprise me and delight me so much, like this one. THRR is something between homage to the subgenre (it refers with a bit of exaggeration to all the hixploitation films ever made) and a slight critique of the genre (you get what you want) that runs like a Swiss clock (even though the introduction is a bit too long, but not unnecessarily so), plays nicely with the clichés and has a surprisingly good story (considering…). Anyone who has seen a redneck slasher or two will finally get a “cliché scene” that ends a little differently than usual, and always with a wink. The only weak thing are the actors, who aren’t very good, but are more than enough for a direct-to-video film. PS: There’s a scene in the end credits that in a fairly original and uniquely perverted way opens the door for a sequel – don’t miss It. ()

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