
Die Handlung dreht sich um eine Frau, die unter Prosopagnosie (Gesichtsblindheit) leidet, und daher nach einem Mordanschlag auf sie, den sie nur knapp überlebt hat, in ständiger Angst lebt, weil sie den Täter niemals erkennen können wird. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (2)


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Englisch The idea is good, although I don't quite understand how the creators could tackle this material for an almost hour and-three-quarters-long thriller. The tension would have to dissipate soon, and the film would become drawn-out and boring. And what a surprise, that actually happened. Milla doesn't save the day here at all, and the ending definitely isn't one of those that take your breath away. ()


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Englisch Where the hell has this fairly expensive and boring mysterious thriller (that didn’t even make it to cinemas) come from? The craftsmanship is good, but otherwise it’s very uninteresting and a waste of money. There’s not even a hint of horror :) ()


Galerie (13)