I saw the Devil

  • Südkorea Akmareul boattda (mehr)
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Kyung-chul (Min-sik Choi) ist ein psychopathischer Serienkiller, der von der Polizei bereits seit einiger Zeit gejagt wird. In einer schneienden Nacht bringt er die Polizistentochter Joo-yun auf bestialische Weise um. Ihr Verlobter Soo-hyun (Byung-hun Lee), ein Agent des südkoreanischen Geheimdienstes, schwört Rache, auch wenn er selbst zu einem brutalen Monster werden muss… (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (10)

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Deutsch Ein regulärer Thriller-Genre-Film "legitimer Rächer versus Serienmörder“, aber so naturalistisch brutal, dass ich die US-amerikanischen Analogien wieder nicht verstehe. Ein grausamer und zynisch unterhaltsamer Film, der Sie packt und nicht loslässt. Bei der Länge gibt es ein kleines Zögern, den ausgezeichneten finalen Eindruck schwächt das aber nicht ab. Schauspielerisch sowie formal brillant. Wenn das Drehbuch geistreicher wäre, würde ich eindeutige 5* geben. Nicht für Sensibelchen geeignet. ()


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Deutsch Ein atemberaubender Thriller über tausendfache Rache. Die Leistungen der beiden Hauptdarsteller sind bewundernswert, vor allem in den Momenten, in denen sie sich gegenüberstehen. Die Actionszenen sind einfallsreich, choreografisch hervorragend umgesetzt und übersichtlich, die Brutalität zwar unkorrekt, aber nicht zwecklos! Zum Beispiel wird eine Szene im Taxi genauso in die Geschichte des Kinos eingehen wie die mit dem Hammer in Oldboy. Hervorragende Kameraarbeit und beeindruckende Musik, solange hat mich schon lange nichts mehr beeindruckt, einfach Freude beim Zuschauen und Hören. Schade nur um das letzte Drittel, in dem das sonst fesselnde Tempo ein wenig nachlässt. Zwei einhalb Stunden sind dann doch ein bisschen zu viel. Wie auch immer, nach Oldboy ist dies für mich der beste koreanische "Rache" -Film. ()


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Englisch Too lengthy, too inconsistent. Ji-un Kim knows how to make a film, I won’t argue against that, but I don’t know whether I was supposed to get something out of this one, or only be entertained (or something else), it didn’t succeed at either anyway. I just watched it without much interest and forgot about it. There are a couple of suggestive scenes, the violence is unpleasant, but as a whole it’s from a different realm than I like visiting. ()


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Englisch I don’t know of a single Korean movie that isn’t interesting in some way, even though I believe that there are such pieces. Anyhow, in comparison to some other Asian countries, I feel like that one is the closest to us, Europeans. I Saw the Devil was filmed by a very interesting director and I was very curious to see how he handles such an interesting premise. In about half of the movie, it completely shifted. At that point I thought that if some plot twist doesn’t come, it could be the end of it. And I was right. One character who was neutral-good up until that point has done such a 180 turn that it left me speechless. At that moment, the movie became a monster hunt. It’s just a shame that it was too long and stretched out too thin. In any case, the ending in itself was definitely worth it and it changed my original three-star rating to a solid four-star one. I watched this for the Challenge Tour 2015. ()


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Englisch Ha, I don't even know why I've put off this pinnacle of Asian cinema for so long. The great director, the amazing leading duo, the perfect cinematography, the excellent technical aspect, the decent idea, the solid pace and, most of all, the awesome and uncompromising gore effects brought me a unique cinematic experience and one of the best serial killer movies that I will remember with pleasure for a very long time. 100% ()


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Englisch In a way, it's a work of genius. On the other hand, I'm a little ashamed to be so positive about so much evil. But I've been taught that "such is life". I have huge sympathy for Byeong-heon Lee and I understood all his inhumane actions the whole time. He simply had a lot to avenge. Again, no one could have been better chosen for the role of the devil than Min-sik Choi. I often thought it was too open-ended, but otherwise the viewer probably wouldn't have properly felt the desire for revenge. My 5 stars are for the fantastic script and great acting and direction. ()


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Englisch I was ready for everything, from pure brutal carnage to an experimental revenge-thriller, where all the murders would be served exclusively to the accompaniment of classical music or sped-up editing, but in the end I got, how to say it politely.... nothing. Not that I'm questioning a certain formal level, the impressive sets, the believable actors or a few rather suggestive shots, but in short, I've learned to expect a bit more from these foreign film than just shocking content completely devoid of common sense or a sense of proper hyperbole. I Saw the Devil has such a bad script that every twist and turn dissipates the tension that has been painstakingly built up, and even, which is unheard of, all the main characters leave with the label "dumbass" on their foreheads. Moreover, the brutality is nowhere near the level needed to move the story into a more friendly experiential league, and so the only truly positive things remain a few nice references to other genre works and a poignant sexual undertone that, at least at times, brings to mind the atmosphere of twisted human souls so familiar from The Silence of the Lambs or Se7en. 45% ()


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Englisch Formally excellent but otherwise a dud of a revenge film. In bullet points: 1) Jee-woon Kim does a good job of pacing the scenes, but not the film. That's because revenge, by design, has to work as a gradually accelerating carousel, with scenes escalating and reining in or, as in Lady Vengeance, maintaining the same mood line. I Saw the Devil jumps back and forth between them the whole time, which achieves at most the effect of knowing from the start how it's all going to turn out, and the director makes it clear that he's not concerned with the film as a whole, but just the (in the words of Rob Roy) attractions. These are successful (in particular the stabbing of two guys in a taxi and the murder of a policeman with a baseball bat are perfect shots), but many times unfinished (which, as I later learned, is the result of the film being edited down film to a more tolerable level, phew). 2) As a Korean director, someone must have explained to Jee-woon Kim the necessity of using that visual brashness that characterizes that cinematic nation, which here in turn gets in the way. With such a spare plot, I think such overblown visuals take away from the concept. In particular, the constant perpendicular shots from above make it clear that the director is rather trying to meet the stipulated criteria. What’s more, it is with this visual that the film mystifies and the entire time convinces the audience that they are looking at something higher than it really is. 3) The characters are geometric points, not people. They have no background, no history, and none of the audience’s trust. The character of the killer, while unprecedented, is without charisma because he doesn't work on mythicization (like Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men) or as a twisted parody of humanity because he doesn't come into contact with any humanity he could be parodying. The protagonist operates on the same motivations as Marv from Sin City; unfortunately, I Saw the Devil provides a minimum of perspective, making him pretty hard to relate to. It's just the violence that works best on this film, and not in its brutality, but in its aggressiveness. It's got an awful lot of pace, but also a lot of twisted ankles. ()


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Englisch I'm all cool with blood and guts on screen; severed body parts and organs don't make me nauseous, and bleeding only annoys me if it is my own and it doesn't seem to be stopping. Despite being okay with all that, this movie didn't sit right with me. I guess I'm just not a fan of watching some mentally messed-up sadist getting off on torturing women. Funny thing, torturing guys doesn't bother me the same way; seems more fair for some reason. While a good chunk of the violence turned my stomach, I was into the other part. I got the main message of the movie and agreed with it, but I couldn't help rooting for the main avenger. Feels like there's a surge in psychologists worldwide, but the number of executioners is going down. Anyway, I didn't get bored for a second despite the somewhat excessive length. Props to the South Korean creators for pulling off a solid effort.  / Lesson learned: If you embark on a journey of revenge, always keep wet wipes handy. ()


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Englisch An uncomfortably naturalistic spectacle that incorporates the old familiar concept of "righteous vengeance" as well as serial murder. With the exception of the first half hour, this is indeed a strong revenge movie, in which the psychology of the two main characters is pretty sparse (we learn absolutely nothing about the killer's past), which on the other hand gives more room for gore and action scenes. At its core, it's a very superficial and overexposed contribution to the serial killer genre, but it can't be denied a few strong scenes and formally a completely professional execution. ()