Forest of Bliss

Streaming (1)


The title of the film refers to the nickname of an ancient city in India, where the film was shot, but in fact the title expresses an ironical stand. The place involved is a dead city, certainly not a blissful forest. Like in his other films, director Robert Gardner scrutinises universal human emotions and the social behaviour of a subculture. He provides insight into various things that take place beneath the surface of ancient rituals. His primary interest in this film is in cremation ceremonies and other Indian customs involving death. By only using natural sounds and images and without giving any comment, Gardner tells the story of a comprehensive funeral process. Three characters play a major role in this process: the healer, who receives and heartens everyone, the invulnerable king of the consecrated ground, and the devoted priest. Structured as a tragedy, the film has a high dramatic content. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)

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