Hobo with a Shotgun

  • Kanada Hobo with a Shotgun (mehr)


Er mag vielleicht keine Wohnung haben, kaum Geld und keine Freunde – eine Schrotflinte hat er sehr wohl: Rutger Hauer ist der Hobo with s Shotgun. Und dieser ist nicht länger bereit zuzusehen, wie die Gesellschaft vor die Hunde geht. Er entschließt sich aufzuräumen mit all den Kriminellen, Junkies und dem restlichen Abschaum, der die Straßen verschmutzt. Nach Machete, ist Hobo with a Shotgun das zweite trashige Werk, das nach einem “Fake Trailer” aus dem Grindhouse-Projekt von Quentin Tarantino und Robert Rodriguez entstand. (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch Eine gigantische Portion Gore und Splatter. Hobo with a Shotgun als Hommage an alte Grindhouse-Filme trifft genau meinen Geschmack und Stimmung. Die Geschichte bleibt weitgehend im Hintergrund und dient nur als Vorwand, um so viele Menschen wie möglich auf die brutalstmögliche Weise sterben zu lassen. Das passt mir gut. Die meisten Charaktere sind entweder Mörder, Psychopathen oder Perverslinge (oft alles in einem) und enden effektiv vor Hauers Schrotflinte. Der Film hält sich also an nichts zurück, mal sind es abgeschossene Gehirne und ausgeworfene Innereien, das andere Mal unschuldige Kinder, die in einem Schulbus verbrannt werden. Es ist blutig, brutal, manchmal lustig und pseudo-bewegend. So sollte ehrlicher Trash aussehen. ()


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Englisch Ninety-minute long grindhouse onanism with the ultimate climax. It doesn’t quite manage to imitate a B-movie from the 80s – perhaps no film of that era was as fun and bold as Hobo With a Shotgun. In some scenes, Eisner crosses the boundaries of what is usual to see in film productions: (spoiler) burning several children in a school bus (end of spoiler). A film like from another universe and Hauer’s best role. Paradoxically, I wasn’t looking forward much to it. PS: Hobo is not really great filmmaking, but it’s got heart. And balls. Edit: The five-star excitement fizzled out quite fast, I’m reducing it to a nice four-star rating. ()


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Englisch I understand that I was supposed to have a laugh while watching this, like I did with Machete for instance. That was actually the only reason why I decided to watch the movie. But as opposed to Machete, here it seemed to me that the movie was utterly pointless, senseless and it had none of the things you would expect. That means absurdity, violence up the wazoo and omnipresent blood that splashes even from the flowers on the ground. This purpose-less bullshit of a movie however didn’t seem likeable at all to me. It wasn’t funny or even entertaining. Machete had all of those, which is why I really like his movies. And that’s despite the fact that I normally tend to ignore movies like these. ()


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Englisch Great exploitation film, which doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone and deals with everyone, whether it's a woman or a small child - so if you are of a more sensitive nature and get outraged when someone doesn't spare even a child before death in a movie, then definitely don't watch this. On the other hand, I warmly recommend it to all fanatics who love movies with a decent amount of gore scenes - there are plenty of them here, blood is definitely not spared and it sprays in liters for a large part of the movie. The story itself is quite simple and develops in a way that allows for the massacre of as many people as possible. What else can you expect from a movie called Hobo with a Shotgun, right ?! ()