
  • USA Godzilla (mehr)
Trailer 3
USA / Japan, 2014, 123 min


Der in einem Atomkraftwerk beschäftigte Amerikaner Joe Brody hat bei einem nuklearen Zwischenfall vor 15 Jahren seine Frau Sandra verloren. Immer noch zweifelt er daran, dass ein Erdbeben auslösende Ursache gewesen sein soll. Als ihn sein Sohn Ford besucht, um ihn zur Heimkehr in die USA zu bewegen, überredet Joe ihn, noch einmal in die Todeszone vorzudringen. Dort erwarten sie zwei gigantische Monster, die von der Armee in Schach gehalten werden. Als diese ausbrechen, ist die ganze Welt in Gefahr. Der japanische Soldat Ichiro Serizawa kennt nur eine Rettung: Urzeitechse Godzilla! (ORF)


Kritiken (22)

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Englisch I won't be uncritical to the point of not seeing flaws in this film, and there are quite a few when it comes to logic. However, this is still a movie rooted in kaiju films and essentially B-grade production, where the story is often secondary to the monsters themselves. I like that they are the main focus here because the human characters aren't worth it. I was hoping it would be somewhat like Japanese classics, and it actually fulfilled that for me. The American shots also contribute to it, but the monsters prevail, and that's simply beautiful. I was expecting a messy film, but I'm really happy with the outcome. ()


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Englisch After watching this movie, I felt such peace of mind concerning a potential alien invasion. If all the armies, Avengers and Justice League fail, we still have Godzilla as backup, so there’s absolutely no doubt we would win the battle for the future of our world. Otherwise, as far as the movie is concerned, it's not a complete disaster and it has quite a good pace, but for me, there will only be one Godzilla. ()

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