Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, großer Traum

  • Deutschland Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, großer Traum (mehr)
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Theo ist eine kleine Schnecke mit großen Träumen. Als Rennsportfan eifert er seinem Idol Guy Gagné nach. Sein lahmes Schneckentempo und jenes der Bolliden sind jedoch von zwei verschiedenen Welten. Und so wird er von seinen ebenso behäbig langsamen Schneckenfreunden belächelt. Als er jedoch in den Motor eines Rennwagens gerät und im Vergaser Kraftstoff zu sich nimmt, passiert das Wunder: Theo ist plötzlich rasend schnell! Jetzt will er als Turbo beim Rennen von Indianapolis beweisen, dass er der Schnellste ist. (ORF)


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alle Kritiken

Englisch A snail who competes in Nascar and who’s guaranteed to be the fastest. I mean this is totally silly even for a fairy-tale for children. Anyways, I thought the arrogant racer would be based on Vincent Cassel, but he wasn’t. Surprisingly. Nevertheless, I can’t deny this movie has a pleasant atmosphere. The hour and a half passed by pretty nicely… but the story just wasn’t good. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch A story unbelievably ordinary animated film that bets on an outsider becoming a star, who is eventually kicked in the backside by another star, this time a racing one, to then stand on his own feet, or on his own slippery muscle in this case, and show everyone that even a snail can succeed in demanding races. A nice environment and strange characters do not guarantee that you will have a great movie in front of you. You won't. This is already a scam for children because even Americans are not capable of coming up with an original plot, but only rely on likable characters. ()



alle Kritiken

Englisch Of course, the target audience are mainly kids, but the vast majority of animated movies also have some sort of an added value, something that even adults can enjoy. This was just an hour and a half of nothing but boredom. The trailers gave a lot of the story away, but I didn’t realize that it was pretty much it. The story is predictable, none of it is original, the jokes are almost non-existent and, even though the cast is stellar, I expected a lot more of them. Just an easily forgettable movie, barely worth 2 stars. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch A fun, relaxing cartoon with an emphasis on detail. An excellent gang of snails, great dubbing, tension, humor and even nerve-racking scenes. After the excellent Rush I was pleased to return to the circuit, this time in Indianapolis. If you don’t like racing with Turbo will find this hard to chew, but what is crazier than a snail racing against the fastest machine on the planet? White shadow! ()

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