
Our tale is a loose adaption of Bara Nesvadbová's novel of the same name. A novel that lacks a dramatic line and concentrates on the flow of emotions and feelings flowing from two injured and beloved women, two women that the aging lothario Mára came between. The theme of the entire book is the degree and limit of love, its (in)finiteness, a person's right and ability to love several beings at once while hurting them at the same time. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (4)

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Englisch This film had so many acclaimed filmmakers involved and so many good actors and actresses starring in it that it's a mystery to me why it all didn't quite work together. Maybe the fault lies in the book by Barbara Nesvadbová, which I have not read and will most likely never read. (45%) ()


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Deutsch Objektiv und auch subjektiv der schwächste Film von Michálek. Er hatte es aber sehr schwer, und erneut weiß ich bei ihm den Mut zu schätzen, sich an ein unerprobtes Genre zu wagen. Wenn man alle Filme Micháleks aufreiht, findet man wohl nur schwerlich einen vom Genre her so mannigfaltigen tschechischen Regisseur. So hat er sich kurz gesagt, warum sollte man nicht versuchen, einen Frauenroman mit einer Kriminalgeschichte zu verknüpfen. Aus meiner Sicht besteht das Grundproblem in der Vorlage. Obwohl ich ein Mann bin, habe ich ein paar Bücher von B. Nesvadbová gelesen, und sie haben mir durchweg alle gefallen, bis auf Pohádkař, das ich als ihr schwächstes Buch ansehe. Ein in sich nicht geschlossenes, verwirrtes und langweiliges Buch, das man auch durch eine Krimihandlung und die Übertragung auf die Filmleinwand nicht beleben kann. Einige Positiva lassen sich aber finden - Hádek und Geislerová, die Musik und die Kamera. Der Film ist nicht gelungen, aber das stört nicht, Michálek muss niemandem mehr etwas beweisen und kann neue Genres ausprobieren. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch It’s as if the entire movie was taking place in some sort of a time vacuum. At first, Macháček is with Herzigová, then he’s with Geislerová and suddenly, they have a baby together. All the while Hádek investigates a single case and he’s been waiting for a DNA profiling result for years. I didn’t really get the movie, which was also due to the ending itself, but I’m giving it at least one star because of the actors. ()


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Englisch I have heard that Storyteller is deceiving because no one would expect a Czech movie to work like this. The great cast is dominated as always by the excellent Geislerová (beautiful, sexy, measured, and edible), although the posters are mainly occupied by the somewhat amateur Herzigová. However, in partnership with Macháček and guided well by the director, she gives a remarkable performance, which can only be faulted for the classic imperfection of beautiful faces, namely that they cannot speak to the film. This was blamed on Lída Baarová in the early years, but the barely twenty-year-old worked on herself, while Eva is already forty and hasn't been a debutante for a long time. Storyteller looks good, works well, and evokes an atmosphere you'd want to bathe in. The environments of a crime film, a court, or a boarding school flow naturally, and the individual scenes fit together with complete naturalness. And even the likes of Linhart and Míčová lose their normal affect for the benefit of the whole. Of course, it is a joy to be reunited with Dvořák and Kroftová, who play big roles in a small space. ()