
New York, Harlem. Die zehnjährige Waise Annie träumt, einmal ihre leiblichen Eltern zu treffen. Zurzeit ist sie mit vier Schicksalsgenossinnen ihrer überforderten Pflegemutter Hannigan ausgeliefert. Eines Tages wird Annie von dem milliardenschweren Politiker Will Stacks vor einem Auto gerettet. Stacks' Berater-Team, Grace und Guy, sieht darin die Chance, den ungeliebten Kandidaten als Helden zum Bürgermeisteramt zu verhelfen. Schließlich stellt die PR-Kampagne mit Annie das Leben aller Beteiligten auf den Kopf. (ORF)


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Englisch There are movies that just get to me, and it doesn't matter how banal, straightforward, and predictable the story is. This is the case with "Annie". A tremendously positive musical that doesn't try to hide it. There are banal twists, but it doesn't matter because this film managed to fill me up so much that I can't help but give it a maximum rating. Quvenzhané Wallis is absolutely captivating and is the star of this film. Her performance is incredibly unbelievable, even compared to some older colleagues. In general, the child characters are fantastic. ()


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Englisch I don’t really even know what to commend in this movie. Apart from the acting performances that are a must in a musical, there’s not much else. Cameron Diaz is playing a bit of a bitch, but not so much so that it’s any memorable. It almost looks like they shot the movies because of Quvenzhané Wallis, who was showing off good and proper. As far as the music goes, it was uninteresting, the story was overly excited the American way. The result was absolutely nonexistent and if it weren’t for the actors, it would be a complete flop. ()