
Nachdem Lamb Mannersheim (Julianne Hough) bei einem Flugzeugabsturz Verbrennungen an einem Großteil ihres Körpers erlitten hat, ist der Glaube der bisher christlich lebenden jungen Frau tief erschüttert. Sie schockt die Bewohner ihrer Kleinstadt, als sie öffentlich während eines Gottesdienstes die Existenz Gottes verneint und ankündigt, demnächst sogar die Demokraten wählen zu wollen. Da es für sie nun keinen Grund für ein streng sittliches Leben mehr gibt, macht sich Lamb auf den Weg nach Las Vegas, um dort ein Leben voller Sünde zu führen. Dort trifft sie den Barkeeper William (Russell Brand) und die zynische Lounge-Sängerin Loray (Octavia Spencer), die ihr dabei helfen, den kompletten Sündenkatalog abzuarbeiten. Die Welt der Sünde, die sich Lamb vorgestellt hat, ist anders als sie erwartet hat, aber schließlich findet sie doch zu ihrem ganz persönlichen Paradies zurück. (Impuls Home Entertainment)


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Englisch I can't help it, but there's just something about Russell Brand that I always find compelling. Maybe it's his voice, his British origin contrasting with his appearance like an American rock star. I don't know. He's just enjoyable to watch, even in such an average comedy with a "serious" message. It's a bit of a shame that the movie tries to hammer you with its message in the end. I keep thinking it's quite nice that it's not just a shallow romance, even though we still end up with a happy ending. ()


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Englisch I was saying to myself that this comedy might belong among those that are criticized on this site but actually provide quite decent entertainment. But that didn’t happen. In spite of the fact that Julianne Hough in the role of Lamb Mannerheim begins her acting performance with a fairly decent explosive monologue in the middle of the church about how she survived a plane crash, cashed in her disability pension, and under the watchful gazes of the entire church, started to rant how God is a bastard, if he even exists at all. After her loud monologue, she calmed down, took a golden credit card and traveled to Las Vegas to enjoy life a little. Unfortunately, this movie was made by some religious American, so the wild party was cut short in the moment when she found God in her soul and realized that spending all her money in Las Vegas wasn’t a good idea. Too bad. Russell Brand would have been totally able to help her with that. ()


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