
Der smarte Trickbetrüger Nicky Spurgeon dreht mit zahlreichen Helfern zwar nur kleine Dinge, macht damit aber großes Geld. Als er von der jungen Jess beinahe ausgetrickst wird, erkennt er ihr Talent und nimmt sie in seiner Bande auf. Die knisternde Beziehung wird Nicky zu ernst und er nimmt Reißaus. Drei Jahre später treffen sich die beiden in Buenos Aires wieder. Jess ist mit dem 'Formel 1'-Piloten Garriga verlobt, der Nicky gerade für einen Betrug angeheuert hat. Die beiden müssen einander vertrauen, damit sie ihren Millionen-Coup landen. (ORF)


Kritiken (9)

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Englisch If that clever cheat happened at the end rather than at the opening of the film, it would be a win. Instead, the screenwriters laid their cards too soon, and Focus then slowly dies out as the creators drown in a vain quest to surpass the beginning. ()


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Deutsch Focus hat einen großen Pluspunkt: er ist unterhaltsam und in den Heist-Wenden unvorhersehbar. Und visuell schön. Die Kostüme, die Ausstattung – alles hat einen ausgefeilten Glamour-Pep. Will und Robbie sind prima, die Pointe der Szene beim American Football TOP. Nur im Finale wurden bei der Bemühung um eine letzte, größte und unerwartete Wende die Grenzen der Glaubwürdigkeit überschritten. Weniger würde mehr bedeuten. Trotzdem gebe ich vier Sterne. Weil mich der Film angenehm überrascht hat, was bei einem Hollywood-Mainstream mit wenig Ehrgeiz nicht so oft passiert. ()


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Deutsch Robbie und Smith geben zusammen ein schönes Duo ab, der erste Teil des Streifens lässt sich besser an, die beste Passage aber ist die Wette mit dem verrückten Asiaten. Die zweite Hälfte begibt sich dann schon auf die klassische Ebene eines abgedroschenen Plots mit mehreren Wendungen, die überraschen, aber wiederum nicht überwältigen. Ein anständiger Film zum Abschalten an einem regnerischen Sonntagnachmittag. ()


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Englisch Focus started, offered something, and then bewitched me with the scene where Will Smith tricked a greedy gambling Vietnamese guy. During the scene, I literally stopped breathing, but afterward, it all went too hell because the movie became incredibly boring. Towards the end of the movie, it again scored some points with a more interesting scene and after that, it was already the end. Focus is like that. Overall, it was shit, but here and there it offers a cinematographic delicacy. Well, and whether it is worth watching, you have to judge that for yourselves. If you ask me, were it not for Will and Margot Robbie I wouldn’t even remember it a day after watching it. ()


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Englisch I put Focus on at a very emotional time in my life, when I was feeling everything much more intensely and perhaps quite uncritically. Anyway, it's a perfectly ordinary movie, of which hundreds have been made in America, but I still have my heart in my eyes and I'll argue that this one is much more powerful and profound. In fact, things spark like thunder between the truly divinely beautiful Margot and Will, and I felt that even Romeo and Juliet's love couldn't match theirs. ()


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Englisch A pleasant, genre hybrid with interesting twists and great actors. Smith was in desperate need for a come-back, and if it wasn’t for that (over the top) final twist, it would have worked. However, Margot Robbie confirms her abilities and comes across as a talented actress who has more to her than “just" the luck of catching Scorsese’s eye. A visual feast for the eyes. ()


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Englisch Focus is unpredictable in key twists, so different from most heist films, which often rely on meticulous visuals and period hits, but go forward with a smile and in clearly laid tracks. There is plenty of gloss here too, but you never know what card the main characters will turn over. It's a shame about the ending, which very far from believable. Because as long as stayed within the acceptable, it was a great thing with a contemporary atmosphere and downtempo music that looks and sounds fantastic on the big screen. ()


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Englisch I quite enjoyed the first half of the film, before the entire plot shifts three years forward. But then it started to become incredibly predictable, catering to the fact that Will Smith is in it and that the plot just couldn't afford to experiment a bit. Yes, he isn't a classic good guy, but his character is still clichéd, as is the whole story. At times it's sexy, but at other times it was a struggle for me, especially from a screenwriting perspective. ()


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Englisch A decent cast and an interesting topic, however, the whole thing kind of falls flat. Plus, I don’t know why but I had a feeling that Smith was incredibly annoyed by his comeback and found it irritating just to be on set. Let’s say it’s the fault of completely uninteresting dialogues or an overall bland story, and Smith will hopefully pull himself together before Suicide Squad. ()