
Trailer 12
USA, (2014–2019), 72 h 58 min (Minutenlänge: 42–50 min)


Bruno Heller


Bob Kane (Comicbuch), Bill Finger (Comicbuch)


Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Jada Pinkett Smith, Camren Bicondova, Robin Lord Taylor, Andrew Stewart-Jones, John Doman, Cory Michael Smith, Sean Pertwee (mehr)
(weitere Professionen)

Staffel(5) / Folgen(100)


Als Kind ist James Gordon (Ben McKenzie), der zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in seinem Leben zum (aus verschiedenen Batman-Filmen bekannten) Polizei-Chef wird, in einem Außenbezirk von Gotham aufgewachsen. Nun kehrt er zurück in die von ihm romantisierte Stadt, in der sein Vater einst erfolgreich als Anwalt gewirkt hat und mit der er viele schöne Erinnerungen verbindet. Als Police Detective geht er einem neuen Job nach und will die Metropole mit Mut und Ehrlichkeit wieder zu einstiger Größe verhelfen. Zusammen mit seinem Partner, der aufdringlichen, aber cleveren Polizei-Legende Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue), stößt er auf einen großen Fall: der Mord an den Milliardären Dr. Thomas und Martha Wayne (Grayson McCouch und Brette Taylor). Am Tatort begegnet Gordon ihrem 12-jährigen Sohn Bruce (David Mazouz), der dieses unsägliche Verbrechen mit ansehen musste. Von dem Schicksal des Jungen bewegt, schwört er den Mörder dingfest zu machen. Zwischen dem Polizisten und Bruce, der von nun an von Butler Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee) aufgezogen wird, entwickelt sich eine besondere Freundschaft. Auf der Suche nach dem Verbrecher und im Verlauf seiner Laufbahn als Gesetzeshüter trifft Gordon auf zwielichtige Gestalten wie Gangster-Boss Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) und viele Menschen, die später zu Gothams berühmtesten Bösewichten werden - wie Oswald Cobblepot alias Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor), Selina Kyle alias Catwoman (Camren Bicondova) und Edward Nygma alias Riddler (Cory Michael Smith). (Verleiher-Text)


Nutzerkritik Necrotongue zur diesen Serie (43)

Gotham (2014) 

Englisch My impression of the first season is very positive. I didn’t read anything about it beforehand, so I thought it was going to be a Batman series. I certainly didn't expect Bruce Wayne to be little more than the “glint in the milkman's eye” as Edmund would say. It's basically a prequel to the Batman films, so the main characters are a long way from being superheroes and it's mainly the local police department that has to deal with the Gotham underworld. I enjoy the gradual development of both the positive and negative characters and I'm pleased with the cast and the now classic Gotham atmosphere. ()

Season 1 (2014) (S01) 

Englisch Season 1 of Gotham was a nice surprise. A perfectly grim atmosphere permeated the entire season, and I also appreciate the elaborate intrigue in both the underworld and the GCPD. All the characters were well cast, and I was equally pleased with their development. The main storyline worked very well. I was slightly disappointed by the subplots at times, but I really enjoyed the first season on the whole. It goes to show that I'm far more into superhero series than superhero films lately. ()

Jim Gordon (2014) (S01E01) 

Englisch The pilot episode of Gotham immediately hooked me, the creators managed to create a pleasantly dark atmosphere. I also really like the functioning mix of the present and the past, one moment I'm watching a gangster from the 20s-30s and then someone's mobile phone rings, it's perfect. I was also pleased with the casting of each character, I really enjoy Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney. ()

Der Ballonmann (2014) (S01E03) 

Englisch Unlike the previous episode, I really enjoyed the case with meteorological balloons this time, but watching Oswald's personality development was even better. I could certainly find reasons to subtract a star or two, but after seeing what Marvel and DC have been producing lately, I don't feel like it. ()

Harvey Dent (2014) (S01E09) 

Englisch And again, I have to rate it the same as the previous part. The main storyline was excellent, just like the atmosphere (I can't fault it from the first episode), and even though I enjoy Fish Mooney's intrigues, bomberman didn't impress me much. ()

Lovecraft (2014) (S01E10) 

Englisch Another episode that focuses more on action and succeeds once again. Sean Pertwee got a bit more screen time and that was great, because his Alfred is amazing. However, the positive heroes get a good beating, who could stand up against the demonic Maze as well? ()

Unter Strom (2015) (S01E11) 

Englisch The plot mostly shifted to the Arkham Asylum, and the atmosphere became even more depressing. The story was definitely interesting, it entertained me, and it seems to me that the eleventh episode had the most open ending so far. ()

Vogelgezwitscher (2015) (S01E12) 

Englisch I was very satisfied with episode twelve, I have been enjoying the main storyline for a long time, but this time I was also intrigued by the case of Jack Gruber/Buchinski. As a fan of gangsters, I was especially pleased with the power struggle in the Gotham underworld, it had style. ()

Red Hood (2015) (S01E17) 

Englisch Another successful episode, I just didn't like that the main storyline practically did not progress because the creators focused on the side stories. I was pleased with the ophthalmologic operation, which reminded me of the first Terminator. ()

Leichen im Keller (2015) (S01E18) 

Englisch Although the eighteenth episode didn't bring any action-packed frenzy, I was thoroughly entertained because it was filled with intrigues from the opening credits to the final ones. Additionally, the creators cast my favorite villain actor Colm Feore in one of the roles, so I couldn't have been more satisfied. ()

Raubtiere (2015) (S01E19) 

Englisch The nineteenth episode came with a Gotham version of Mr. Grey, which I didn't enjoy as much as the main hero of the book and movie series "Fifty Shades". Moreover, the main storyline somewhat stagnated, so the only more interesting spectacle was brought by Fish Mooney's efforts to reach the mainland. ()

Auf Messers Schneide (2015) (S01E20) 

Englisch After the somewhat boring previous episode, I was pleasantly surprised. The search for the same murderer continues, but this time the plot was interesting, the tension and atmosphere escalated wonderfully, and without exception, all storylines pulled me into the story. A very well-done affair. ()

Season 2 (2015) (S02) 

Englisch I enjoyed the second season a little less than the first, mainly due to the character of Theo Galavan/Azrael. On the other hand, the other characters (and there were quite a few) kept developing, while some new ones were added: a number of mostly charismatic villains and even some mutated individuals towards the end. The best thing about the whole series is definitely the atmosphere. The combination of modern times and classic American gangsters really appeals to me. I sincerely hope I'll be similarly pleased with the third season. It would be a shame if the series lost momentum. ()

Glück oder Wahrheit (2015) (S02E01) 

Englisch The first episode of the second season did not disappoint me in any way. The excellent atmosphere, which was already brought by the first season, was also present in it. Additionally, Jerome portrayed by Cameron Monaghan has returned to the game, which was very good news for me. I am equally satisfied with Oswald, I'm just not sure about the new character Thea Galavan yet. ()

Einheit Alpha (2015) (S02E04) 

Englisch Everything was fine, just like in previous episodes, but I had to take away a star because of the deployment of a strike unit, which was so perfect that even with a clear firepower advantage, its members managed to hit Victor Zsasz with a single projectile. ()

Feuerteufel (2015) (S02E05) 

Englisch The penguin seems to be getting better with every episode, on the other hand, Theo Galavan still doesn't sit well with me and the historical excursion into his family's past didn't interest me at all. I would say that the creators have slightly overdone it, whereas the opening episodes of the second season were great, the plot slightly declines after Jerome's death. ()

Mamis kleines Monster (2015) (S02E07) 

Englisch My satisfaction with the series is decreasing from episode to episode. Inertia pushed my rating up to four stars, but the plot around Thea Galavan is really starting to get on my nerves, and if it weren't for Nygma, who knows how it would have ended. 4*- ()

Die Nacht der Nächte (2015) (S02E08) 

Englisch Without Edward Nigma's picnic, I would rate the episode with three stars, because I feel that the season needs a new impetus. The recurring traps for Jim Gordon, in which Barbara appears as bait, signal something about the detective's intelligence to me. Where will they go next? Galavan's "sophisticated" way of acquiring Wayne Enterprises once again speaks to the writer's fatigue. 4* ()

Eine bittere Pille (2015) (S02E09) 

Englisch Although this time it was better than the previous episode, the creators are starting to annoy me with the accumulation of minor absurdities. Did Eda Plameňák really first take care of the entire police unit only to later let Jim Gordon beat him up? And that was just an example. Fortunately, at least the comedic-sadistic duo Penguin/Nygma worked well. I noticed that this season can boast hypocritical censorship typical of the Nova Group - violence, corpses, and body parts are not a problem, but blood must be blurred, just in case it upsets some latent vampire, right? ()

Mr. Freeze (2016) (S02E12) 

Englisch The twelfth episode brought Victor Fries to the scene, who entertained me, but I have concerns that there won't be any villains left for Batman :-). At the same time, the Arkham Asylum and its separate facility at Indian Hill entered the game again, in which I have great hope. So, I'm looking forward to what's to come. ()