Human - Die zwei Seiten der Menschheit

Trailer 1
Frankreich, 2015, 191 min (Special Edition: 134 min)

Streaming (1)


In einer einzigartigen Kombination aus Zeitzeugenaussagen und Selbstreflexion analysiert der Dokumentarfilm "Human" das Leben der Menschen auf unserem Planeten, das einerseits durch Kriege und Konflikte zerrissen, andererseits dank empathischer Solidarität und dem Gefühl des Zusammenhalts aufrechterhalten wird. Der berühmte Fotograf und Filmemacher Yann Arthus-Bertrand wirbt mit seinem Film für Menschlichkeit und Mitgefühl. Was macht uns Menschen aus? Über drei Jahre hinweg hat Bertrand Interviews mit mehr als 2.000 Menschen aus 60 Ländern geführt. Dabei ist ein filmisches Kunstwerk entstanden über den Menschen an sich, aber auch über die Besonderheiten des Individuums. Kombiniert mit Luftbildern, die die Schönheit der Welt einfangen, berichten Menschen von Alltäglichem, ergreifenden Begegnungen und schweren Schicksalen. (ORF)


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Trailer 1

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Englisch Probably one of the most visually and thematically compelling documentaries I've had the opportunity to see so far. It consists of perfectly and contrastingly composed shots of masses of people and pristine nature, complemented by intimate snapshots of individuals who share with us bits and pieces of their lives and their views of the world. The contrast beautifully underlines the fact that each person has their own story, but also that we are basically not so different from one another. It doesn't matter the country we live in, the colour of our skin, our gender or our age, sooner or later we all ask ourselves the same fundamental questions. Love, wealth, family, time, meaning and death may mean different things to each person, but in the end we are all members of the same species: we are human beings facing the same fate. The path can, however, be radically different. Someone has a cheerful life, someone is filled with pain, someone lives in poverty, someone fights for life every day, someone lives in luxury, and that makes us all different. Whenever I’m bothered by some stupid thing or overwhelmed by gloom, I'll try to remember the people who are happy just to have something to eat and a place to sleep that day. This is a documentary full of contrasts that makes us think a bit, and I like that. ()

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