
Lüge und Wahrheut erzählt die authentische Geschichte des gefeierten Nachwuchsjournalisten Stephen Glass (Hayden Christensen), der bei der Zeitschrift „The New Republic“ einen kometenhaften Aufstieg hinlegt, bis herauskommt, dass er in mehr als der Hälfte seiner Artikel geklaut und falsch zitiert hat. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (1)


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Englisch The script just dusts off a real scandal that stirred the stagnant waters of American journalism a few years ago. The curious editor of an online newspaper was inspired to follow in the footsteps of a successful journalist from a prestigious magazine who had made a name for himself with a series of witty and captivating articles from an attractive environment and extract more material from his exposure. To his surprise, he discovered that his colleague from the industry had apparently "pulled the story out of thin air." Subsequent investigations revealed manipulation of facts and blatant lies in dozens of other cases, shaking the trust in the entire journalistic community. However, the film is not an analytical probe into the current state of affairs in American journalism, nor does it generally contemplate the question of journalistic ethics. It simply seeks to maximize the specific case and tell the story of an ambitious liar and manipulator who hides the pathological traits of his character behind the facade of a cheerful guy. A decent but not exceptional television film was created about the fact that it is good to trust, but from time to time it is also necessary to verify. Overall impression: 65%. ()

Galerie (22)