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Clevere Täuschungsmanöver, risikofreudige Helden, mondäne Schauplätze: Mit der Rolle des verdeckten Ermittlers im 12-fach Emmy-nominierten Spionagethriller empfiehlt sich Tom Hiddleston ('Thor') als heißer Nachfolger für James Bond-Mime Daniel Craig! Drei atemberaubende Folgen lang liefert sich der drahtige Brite ein teuflisches Katz- und Mausspiel mit 'Dr. House'-Star Hugh Laurie, der sein Luxusleben durch skrupellose Waffenschiebereien finanziert. Inszeniert hat den packenden Thriller Oscar-Preisträgerin Susanne Bier ('In einer besseren Welt'). Als Vorlage diente John le Carrés gleichnamiger Roman. (ORF)


Nutzerkritik 3DD!3 zur diesen Serie (3)

The Night Manager (2016) 

Englisch A great conversational, spy snack that is a little slow at the beginning, but towards the ending it makes up for that, with each atmosphere enhancing minute. Laurie’s role as the arms dealer fits him like a glove. The photos with African kids almost make him a humanist. And Hiddleston was a little shaky at first, but towards the end he proves his qualities. I think I could imagine him as a Bond. The last two parts are perfection itself. A fairly unexpected finale for le Carré. ()

Episode 1 (2016) (S01E01) 

Englisch So far a little disappointing. Top-notch in terms of acting. Even with the little room he is given, Laurie dominates the series, Tom Hiddleston is every inch a pro. But the femme fatale is not captivating enough and so the central theme of unexpected love for a stranger is unconvincing. The first episode seems like a rather slow prolog, which is usually right for a le Carré, but it doesn’t have the necessary power. I look forward to when the hinted at conflict begins, but nothing too impressive so far. ()

Episode 2 (2016) (S01E02) 

Englisch Much more substantial. You can see le Carré's slow infiltration phase, where the hero slowly sinks into his "role". It's finally caught up with me. ()