
Das Leben von Jack ist die Hölle. Jeder seiner Tage läuft nach dem gleichen Prinzip ab - Ausnahmen gibt es für ihn keine. Dies ändert sich, als eines Tages seine 19-jährige Tochter Andrea vor der Tür steht und den Wunsch äußert, Jack besser kennenzulernen. Die Familienzusammenkunft erleidet jedoch einen Unterbruch, als Andrea von üblen Gesellen entführen wird. Dumm nur, dass Jack kein normaler Vater ist, sondern seit Tausenden von Jahren auf Erden wandelt und darin geübt ist, das Böse in all seiner Form auszurotten. (WVG Medien)


Kritiken (4)

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Englisch Quite an original idea sort of fell apart in the hands of the creators. In this form, it could work fully only as a pilot episode of a series, the film lacks a bigger goal and some really thrilling moment. All aspects of the story and possibilities of the main character are only lightly touched upon and not brought to a conclusion. What annoyed me the most was the bland and unremarkable ending. It's quite a shame, because Henry Rollins really enjoyed me in this role and there are some interesting ideas, but I just can't shake the feeling that this is rather material for a series than for a one-time film. ()


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Englisch I wasn’t expecting this to be the sequel of a pretty well-known book :) Anyway, interesting stuff and finally a pinch of originality in the dark genres (I’m intentionally not saying horror), and especially with regards to the atmosphere. He Never Died has a mood that’s significantly different from the other films I’ve seen this year, and that deserves praise. A big part of that lies on the leading character performed by Henry Rollins, who, though by no means likeable enough to have a chat with, has more charisma than anyone could ask for. ()


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Englisch Two months ago I thought He Never Died might be in this year's top 10, I was right, but unfortunately it's the disappointment of 2015. With no story, no pacing with an annoying unlikeable protagonist, minimal gore with dysfunctional humour and a TV look, there really is nothing to praise here and it's mind boggling that this is one of the highest rated horror films on IMDB this year. I suffered and envy all those who didn't. 35%. ()


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Englisch This got to me. An extremely unremarkable film that looks unremarkable all the way through, yet has a great idea and great, detached execution, just like the film's detached hero. Great idea, which, although fitting into biblical proportions, doesn't really matter all that much. Henry Rollins is absolutely perfect here and the film is fun, bloody, and properly gritty. ()