Underfire: The Untold Story of Pfc. Tony Vaccaro


UNDERFIRE: THE UNTOLD STORY OF PFC. TONY VACCARO chronicles the life of a man who played two roles during World War II, both at great risk: a combat infantryman on the front lines and a photographer who took and developed roughly 8,000 photographs of the war. Director Max Lewkowicz visits European locations where Vaccaro shot some of his most powerful photos, tracing his evolution from a young GI eager to record the war, to an elderly man increasingly horrified at man's ability to wage war, having vowed to never take another war photo the day the war ended. Through interviews with Pulitzer Prize-winning photographers, and Vaccaro himself, this intimate film delves into issues about witnessing and recording conflict, how photography defines the way wars are perceived by the public, and the sheer difficulty of survival while taking photos in a dangerous war zone. (San Diego Film Festival)
