
Silent Night follows Adam, a young economic migrant who finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant and who decides to change his life by setting up his company abroad. In order to do that, he travels to his hometown in Eastern Poland to persuade his relatives to sell their land. During the traditional Christmas Eve supper, Adam learns that the price he would have to pay is much higher than he anticipated. (MFFK Febiofest)


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Deutsch Ein gut gespieltes Familiendrama mit einem banalen Thema, zu dem es in Osteuropa (leider) in jedem zehnten Dorfhaus links und rechts kommt. ()


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Englisch The Poles, with the acting lead by Dawid Ogrodnik, once again showed how filmmaking is done, this time on a precise portrayal of a disintegration of family society with everything it entails. Rather grim and gloomy, but definitely a high quality picture. ()