Die Epoche des Menschen

  • Deutschland Die Epoche des Menschen (mehr)
Trailer 3


Wissenschaftler sind sich einig: Nicht mehr die Natur bestimmt das Leben auf Erden, sondern der Mensch. Das Zeitalter des Anthropozän ist angebrochen. Wir beherrschen, verändern und zerstören unseren Planeten. Die FilmemacherInnen Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky und Nicholas de Pencier haben dafür in 20 Ländern der Welt Beweise gesammelt - von den kilometerlangen Betonwällen, die Chinas Küste schützen, über apokalyptische Müllhalden in Kenia, die weltweit größten Bagger im Kohleabbau von Nordrhein-Westfalen bis hin zu psychedelisch schillernden Verdunstungsbecken in der Atacama-Wüste, wo Lithium gewonnen wird. Modernste Kameratechnik und imposante Bilder machen nachvollziehbar, was die Spezies Mensch mit dem Globus anstellt - grundlegend und dauerhaft. Ein Film, der unter die Haut geht. (ORF)


Kritiken (2)

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alle Kritiken

Englisch What a crappy documentary. Most of the aestheticized footage chronicling troubled industries would be fine for the bosses of those companies to hang proudly above their desks. The communication the film establishes is often only with local workers at the very bottom of the industrial chain, instead of dealing with the higher echelons and the private/government nexus, the real culprits in the current environmental crisis. We can either mourn at the sight of the expansion of open pit quarries or we can finally admit the truth that there are some 200 specific people in the world and if we don't have a single photo of us holding the severed head of at least one of them, we have done virtually nothing to save the environment. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch Stunning shots that are more truthful than those with which series like Planet Earth captivate us (though we could discuss the paradox that lies in the attempt to show devastation in a manner that makes it look beautiful above all else), but what purpose are they supposed to serve? The monotonous accumulation of information about how humanity has thoroughly screwed the planet intensifies environmental grief, the feeling of helplessness and apathy. Films showing what can be changed and issuing calls to action are more necessary than those that penitently repeat over and over again everything that we have done wrong as a civilisation. We already know that. ()