
Verschwörungstheoretiker Tad O'Malley kündigt im Fernsehen eine der schlimmsten Epidemien der Geschichte an. Angeblich haben extraterrestrische Kräfte das Immunsystem der Menschen lahm gelegt, weshalb bald Infektionen wild um sich greifen werden. Wider Erwarten behält O'Malley Recht. Sogar Mulder erkrankt, lediglich Scully ist offenbar vor einer Ansteckung gefeit. Ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt. (ORF)


Kritiken (2)

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alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch My life's become a punch line. A standard and uninteresting mythological episode that has always been one of the weaker ones that the X-Files offered, as they were never enough atmospheric or horror as monster of the week episodes or black-humorous and packed with one-liners as cult playful meta-episodes. And this one is no different. This one is over the top "Carter movie", which mixes everything together and hopes that something would work. ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch Save for a couple of exceptions, the mythology episodes of The X-Files were always annoying, and the same goes for the first episode of the revival. The problem is mostly how confusing it is. Honestly, I am convinced that not even the showrunners – or Christ Carter even – are fully on top of all these conspiracies. Everyone is always ranting about something, talking in riddles, nobody gives a clear answer to anything, everything is in doubt, and it has never, and will never, lead to any proper conclusion. Nevertheless, is nostalgia as hell; the feeling of the 1990s is tangible, Mulder is Mulder, Scully is Scully, Skinner is Skinner… Basically, it’s The X-Files. I’m looking forward to the next episodes, in its way, this one has been a “necessary evil”. ()

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