Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Die Komiker von Monty Python haben sich mit Witz, Einfallsreichtum und perfektem Timing einen Namen gemacht – OK, vielleicht auch noch durch Verkleiden und Nachäffen. (Netflix)

Nutzerkritik Necrotongue zur diesen Serie (48)

Live aus der Grill-o-mat Snackbar (1970) (S02E05) 

Englisch The live broadcast from Grilomat was excellent. Blackmailing broke me. The Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Each Other didn't impress me as much, but the following fatally destructive sketch was flawless, just like the scene in the butcher's shop and the story of the excellent boxer Ken Airfreshener. At the Circus, I like the certainty that I will be entertained with every episode. It's unbelievable to me that Monty Python's humor still works for me after all these long years since I first saw it. ()

Die Attila-der-Hunne-Show (1970) (S02E07) 

Englisch The seventh episode had the same effect on me as the previous one. I enjoyed it, but I wasn't particularly captivated by any sketch. I missed scenes like the Deadly Joke, Dead Parrot, or Dirty Fork, which I would immediately remember. Nevertheless, I laughed a lot again at the excellent English humor. ()

Programmvorschau (1970) (S02E08) 

Englisch While watching the show "Archaeology Today" and during the complaint about the bride, I was starting to think that I would rate the episode with four stars again, but then the party with the Blby spouses and insect hunting with the Spim brothers came along, and five stars were certain. The determined expression on Eric Idle's face, despite having his hand bitten off by a dangerous ant, was priceless. ()

Wie man diverse Körperteile richtig identifiziert (1970) (S02E09) 

Englisch I'm starting to notice that I'm very strict on Python. If someone else could put together such a funny episode, I would immediately give them five stars, and I only take one away from the Circus because I know they can do even better things. However, I really had a good time, for example, the jab at Australians was great. ()

Bonjour (1970) (S02E10) 

Englisch From the opening sketch, I gather that I have a similar relationship with Pythons as I do with French films full of philosophical musings. I had a great time watching the sketch about shooting the film Scott of the Antarctic and subsequently about shooting the film Scott of the Sahara. I was particularly fascinated by Lieutenant Scott's duel with the lion and Miss Evans' escape from the man-eating writing desk. The sketch about the fish license was also perfect, with another clash between John Cleese and Michael Palin, and even the sports segment at the end of the episode didn't disappoint me. ()

Chinesisch für Werbekaufmänner (1970) (S02E11) 

Englisch The eleventh episode opened with a sketch from an advertising agency, and it was a very successful introduction. I had a great time watching the unveiling of the murderer thanks to the British railway timetable, something similar would be impossible here because even a seasoned railwayman couldn't understand all those delays and disruptions. I had a solid laugh at Martin Curry's film production and the crazy religions, but "The Art of Not Being Seen" was a luxurious spectacle. This episode showcased the Pythons in full force. ()

Der schwarze Adler (1970) (S02E12) 

Englisch The entire episode was grandly opened by the blockbuster movie "Black Eagle", communication interference prevented Hungarians from shopping in British kiosks, artworks went on strike, left-wing leaders competed in quiz questions, characters were manifested at Ypres, Mr. Gumby led a flower arranging course, and I enjoyed all of this very much, but what made me laugh the most was the way the Pythons got canned pork into a modern dictionary. So, tell me, who among you has not yet encountered the word "SPAM"? ()

Die königliche Folge (1970) (S02E13) 

Englisch The Royal episode dignifiedly closed the entire second season of the Circus. Miners' disputes about the details of Doric columns strongly reminded me of the former news program Aktuality, in which working-class citizens expressed their views on burning issues of the present (now obviously the past) with words that many a philosopher or literary critic would not be ashamed of. I was absolutely floored by the men who only pronounced the beginnings, middles, or ends of words, and then quickly got me with a series of sketches featuring an egg collector, pigeon racers, and a Hospital sketch. Cannibalism in the Royal Navy and in the funeral home was only the icing on the cake. ()

Season 3 (1972) (S03) 

Englisch The third season of the Flying Circus was also excellent, and I enjoyed it. It features several sketches that I find memorable, definitely including The Cheese Shop Sketch, The Cycling Tour, Dennis Moore, and Prejudice. The Pythons have once again shown that nothing is sacred to them and that they can always make me laugh, even though I've already seen the show many times. ()

Die Interviewer-Insel (1972) (S03E01) 

Englisch The first episode of the third season brought a courtroom trial with a mass murderer in the introduction, where Eric Idle could shine in the role of the defendant. In the following trial with Njorl, Michael Palin excelled in the role of Constable Pan Ama, the prosecution witness. He was so great that I was tearing up with laughter. The interview in the laundry room ends with a journey to Jean-Paul Sartre and the episode concludes with Whicker's Island, inhabited only by reporters. The whole episode is dominated by the amazing and epic saga of Njorl, which I definitely have to get in book form. ()

Der Kon Tiki (1972) (S03E02) 

Englisch The second episode was of course high-quality and brought many interesting insights. I found out how it would be possible to effectively tackle deadly diseases, how it would be possible to comfortably lose weight, and the Agricultural Club amazed me with completely new information about Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. I had a great time with Brian Norris' scientific expedition, and when a river crossed his path, I had strong concerns about the fate of the expedition and hoped for a sufficient amount of prepared sandwiches. I also enjoyed the broadcasting from Mrs. Kelly's apartment on the BBC, but this time I missed a sketch that would stay in my memory for a longer time. ()

Folge 29 (1972) (S03E03) 

Englisch The third episode of the third season brought the show Money, fake directors, and intervention of the church police, but two sketches were among those that I will remember well. The restaurant in the jungle was fantastic, this rating also includes the prompt work of the censor, the second perfect sketch for me was "Custom Made." Excellent job! ()

Folge 30 (1972) (S03E04) 

Englisch The fourth part came with a glimpse into the functioning of Komerční banka and the character of its very, very wealthy boss played by John Cleese. Terry Jones' futile attempt to explain the concept of a gift to him was brilliant. I almost cried over the cruel fate of the pantomime horses and the difficult lives of the BBC announcers. The final film about the pantomime horse clearly surpassed some Bond movies in its quality. In conclusion, I wanted to mention that in the original translation, years ago (well, more like decades ago), on ČT 2, the pantomime horse was called "komikoň," which I found funnier. ()

Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit (1972) (S03E05) 

Englisch I would probably give the fifth star to the fifth episode for Graham Chapman's response to the question he received in the final of the competition for the briefest Proust: "What are your other interests besides summarizing Proust?" "Strangling animals, golf, and masturbation." Fortunately, besides Proust, other excellent sketches appeared, in which a hairdressing expedition conquered Everest, I visited the Language Laboratory and a travel agency, where Eric Idle shone, and in the end, Anne Elk introduced me to her new theory about brontosaurs. ()

Der Kampf gegen die Pornografie (1972) (S03E06) 

Englisch The beginning of the episode was literally dominated by British housewives fighting for a better and more powerful Britain without pornography. Mr. Gumby visited a brain specialist named Mr. Gumby, who sent him for surgery to Mr. Gumbym, accompanied by Mr. Gumby. Anesthesia was administered by Mr. Gumby. As part of the improvement of the standard of living, a documentary about mollusks arrived at viewers' homes, followed by a mix of journalistic programs, including a sincere apology that hit a nerve. The whole episode concluded with my favorite expedition of the Royal Navy to Lake Pahoe. I had a great time throughout the entire episode, so I never doubted the fifth star for a moment. ()

Lemon Curry (1972) (S03E07) 

Englisch The seventh episode introduced the viewer to the beloved hero of adventure novels, Captain Bigglesworth, dictating a letter. This was followed by a sketch with a lifeboat/maritime buffet and the show Preserves, which dealt with canning in the world. Sam Peckinpah took care of the bloody ending of this episode, but before that, I got to see my favorite sketch from the cheese shop, in which the proven duo of Michael Palin (salesman) and John Cleese (customer) appeared. This scene can confidently be compared to the Dead Parrot in my eyes. Both actors once again managed to push the plot to absolute absurdity, and I had to replay the sketch several times because I missed some passages due to laughter. ()

Die Fahrradtour (1972) (S03E08) 

Englisch I consider the eighth episode of the third season as one of the peaks of Python's work. Mr. Pither's cycling expedition in northern Cornwall always had devastating consequences for my diaphragm. Michael Palin was excellent in the main role, but John Cleese again proved that he is truly skilled at portraying "shouty" military commanders, whether it's a Soviet officer in charge of an execution squad, a British sergeant, or a Roman centurion. I always enjoy this episode, it just needs an extra star. ()

Nackte Tatsachen (1972) (S03E09) 

Englisch The ninth episode opened with Bomba on an airplane, I learned about the construction of apartment buildings with the help of hypnosis, to then have a grand Finale of the world hide-and-seek. This is another sketch that I cannot forget, who wouldn't like a thrilling spectacle that can entertain a person for eleven years? The inclusion of Sonda on the planet Algon at the end of the episode condemned this sketch to languish in the shadow of Hide-and-Seek. It is clear that I had a royal time again, so I couldn't give it less than five stars. ()

Der Ritt zum Podensee (1972) (S03E10) 

Englisch The tenth episode brought the expected quality humor, which the Pythons traditionally brought to absolute absurdity, but I missed a little bit of that unforgettable sketch, even though Dr. Tripshaw and the sketch with sherry had a decent setup for this post. But again, I must say that four stars at the Circus have a completely different value for me. If I were to compare it to another series or film, it would be a certain 5*. ()

Dennis Moore (1973) (S03E11) 

Englisch In the eleventh episode, I didn't have to hesitate at all with the rating. The boxing match for the title of the Oxford professor of art history and the Great Debate were solid, but the story of Dennis Moor and the show Prejudices, that was a bomb! I remember searching for the worst insult for Belgians from the moment I saw it, and it's been almost thirty years already. That's a typical example of so-called politically incorrect humor, which is not really "in" nowadays, but I love it and will continue to love it, even though it seems that censors from the USA and the EU are preparing inquisition processes for me and others who think similarly. But it's okay, good sheep will survive, so the human race will be preserved. ()