
A poor musician with a horde of hungry children at home sets off into the world to look for work. He is wandering through the country until he reaches a pub where, just at that moment, they are celebrating a village fair. The musician plays to the visitors but the publican rewards him with only a piece of old bread for his performance. An elderly magician takes pity on the musician and presents him with a magical table-napkin which serves delicacies all by itself and a little donkey from which ducats are pouring. On the way home, the musician stops at the same pub and good-naturedly displays the magic gifts. But the dishonest publican exchanges them for ordinary ones. At home, the musician disappoints the entire family: the table-napkin doesn't serve any food and not even a copper coin falls out of the donkey. The poor man realizes who robbed him off the old man's gifts. He goes back with another old magician's gift - a stick. The stick gives the owner a good thrashing and the greedy man readily returns everything. On his return home, the musician makes a feast for the entire village. The old man ascends to the sky to look around and see if anybody needs his help. (Verleiher-Text)



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Lukas2776 DVD
Donobi DVD
antichor VHS
Wlastik DVD
karolinn-a DVD