
Der alternder Horrorfilmstar Orlok kündigt seinen Rückzug aus dem Filmgeschäft an. Zur gleichen Zeit macht sich ein unauffälliger junger Mann daran, sein Arsenal an Gewehren und Handfeuerwaffen zu vergrößern. Der Showdown beginnt, als O’Kelly sich bei Orloks letztem Auftritt vor der Kulisse eines Freilichtkinos in einen heimtükischen Heckenschützen verwandelt… (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch An excellent film that shows that anyone can be a killer, if only because they want to try it out. Or they'll just shoot once. You also get the acting legend Karloff in a film about how being an actor is not easy, but being a spectator can also be very dangerous in some cases. An interesting script that is driven forward by interesting actors. ()


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Englisch After a long while, I have to say that I finally got to watch a truly interesting American movie from the 1960s and 1970s. And personally, I need to add that I was probably most intrigued by its brutality that could easily rival even the movie brutality in modern thrillers. Or even easily outdo some. And at the same time, I admit that I haven’t had the opportunity to find out how big of an actor Boris Karloff was in his time, but I feel that he couldn’t have gotten a better movie homage than the movie Targets. And especially after I found out from the trivia how the movie was actually made. And it turned out to be of such quality. Mr. Karloff commands great respect and the final 10 minutes were so strong that I couldn’t even function a couple dozen minutes after I finished it. ()


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