
One might think that Czech and Slovak filmmakers have already said all there is to say about the period around 1968 in Czechoslovak history. As Jiří Mádl’s outing shows, however, this crucial era in our modern history still has forgotten stories to offer that are worthy of our attention. The film revolves around the international news office at Czechoslovak Radio, a place full of talented individuals possessing broad insight, linguistic skills, and above all a commitment to honest journalistic work with a focus on the truth. An epic, dynamically shot, rewarding film, which embraces uncommon heroism in the face of an oppressive regime, the strength of fraternal ties, and the eternal themes of love, betrayal, morality, and hope. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)



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Preise in Karlovy Vary vergeben

Preise in Karlovy Vary vergeben


Nach neun abwechslungsreichen Tagen geht das größte tschechische Filmfestival, das Internationale Filmfestival Karlovy Vary, zu Ende. Während seiner 58. Ausgabe wurden 180 Filme in den Karlsbader… (mehr)