
Nach dem plötzlichen Tod der Schülerin Kerrie wird der frei gewordene Platz an dem begehrten Mädcheninternat Edelvine an die toughe Camille vergeben. Bald darauf erfährt sie, dass ihre Vorgängerin nach einer nächtlichen Seance ums Leben gekommen ist. Ihre Mitschülerinnen hatten versucht, den sagenumwobenen Geist von Edelvine heraufzubeschwören. Kerrys Freundinnen überreden Camille zu einer weiteren Sitzung, mit der sie die Neue einschüchtern wollen. Doch was als Streich an Camille geplant war, wird bitterer Ernst, als kurz darauf weitere Schülerinnen unter mysteriösen Umständen sterben. Camille muss herausfinden, was wirklich dahinter steckt – bevor sie zum nächsten Opfer wird. (Weltkino)


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Englisch Simon Barrett, a screenwriter who has worked with Adam Wingard, is responsible for films such as The Guest, You're Next and V/H/S. Now he has decided to try directing for the first time, but unfortunately he should have stayed with writing. Seance reminded me a little of Ouija that turns into a slasher towards the end, but it's weak. In the 90s, this could have been a hit alongside Scream, but today it doesn't really have anything to offer. The story focuses on a new student arriving at a girls' academy, where unexpected deaths soon occur. It's relatively well shot, the girls are pretty, and that's about it. Most of the time, it deals with teenage girl problems, there is no real horror, not much blood, the killer is quite easy to guess, and it also features lesbians, it's some kind of new trend! For me, it's a pointless film that is neither entertaining, nor brutal, nor scary, so it's below average. Young teenage girls can add a star to it if they want. 4/10. ()


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Englisch Simon Barrett has hung around a number of hilarious films in the past as a screenwriter, but his feature directorial debut is an utterly bland supernatural slasher. It’s a shame. ()