Night Stalker: Auf der Jagd nach einem Serienmörder

  • Deutschland Night Stalker: Auf der Jagd nach einem Serienmörder (mehr)
USA, 2021, 3 h 9 min (Minutenlänge: 46–48 min)

Streaming (1)



Diese wahre Kriminalgeschichte berichtet von einem skrupellosen Serienmörder, der 1985 seinen Opfern in L. A. auflauert, und von den Ermittlern, die ihn fassen wollen. (Netflix)

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Englisch A crime documentary from Netflix about the hunt for a notorious serial killer who terrorized Los Angeles in 1985, killing in the name of Satan. Three hours of suffocating and unpleasant material about Richard Ramirez, who oozes evil miles away. It is interesting that this guy killed without any pattern. He raped old, young, women, men, and even children, and only a few people were only attacked. It is not pleasant to watch, the crime scene photos are very brutal, the dialogues are impressive, and the collection of evidence is incredibly demanding. It watched in one breath. It is really very good and definitely a must for fans of serial killers and gritty crime. 8/10. ()


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Deutsch Viele Freunde und Bekannte verstehen nicht, wie es möglich ist, dass ich Horrorfilme mag. Warum ich mich freiwillig einer Sache aussetze, die sie als negativ betrachten, und die in mir Angst auslöst. Ich versuche ihnen vergeblich zu erklären, dass Horrorfilme für mich nicht negativ sind, dass ich mich danach nicht fürchte. Maximal kommen in mir ein bisschen die Gefühle hoch. Das betrifft aber mehr noch hochwertige Dramen, die auch sie sich ansehen. Ich versuche ihnen zu erklären, dass ein Horrorfilm eine Genre-Unterhaltung ist. Sie ist auf dem Können des Regisseurs aufgebaut, mit den Zuschauer*innen zu spielen. Das betrifft nicht nur ihre Emotionen, sondern auch die Filmform, welche bei Horrorfilmen mehr Innovationen fordert, als beim hochwertigsten Beziehungsdrama. Ich kann fünf Horrorfilme am Tag sehen und dreißig im Rahmen eines Filmfestivals. Um so mehr macht es mir Spaß und ich möchte noch mehr davon. Ich möchte in der irrealen Welt vom unbegrenzten Vorstellungsvermögen ihrer Autoren verweilen, welche in der Hinsicht nur mit der Vielfältigkeit von Science-Fiction-Filmen gleichgesetzt werden kann.____ Was für mich aber wirklich ein Horror im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ist, wie es alle Gegner*innen der Horrorfilme wahrnehmen, sind Dinge wie diese Miniserie. Sie beruht nicht auf der Fantasie kreativer und begeisterter Filmemacher, sondern auf realer dokumentarischer Basis, welche eine unbegreifliche Anomalie, ein schädliches Element unserer Welt enthüllt, was ultimativen Ekel und das Böse verkörpert. Dinge wie diese Serie reicht es einmal pro Jahr zu sehen. Vorher war es der ungarische Film Son Of Saul. Auch er reflektiert die Realität und paradoxerweise wird auch bei seiner offiziellen Beschreibung nicht "Horrorfilm“ angeführt. ()


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Englisch It reminded me a little of Fincher’s Zodiac, and I’m not speaking so much about the formal aspect, but about the feeling that watching both films evokes: the repeated frustration in the face of an inhuman enemy who doesn’t follow any rational pattern and leaves almost no clues that would allow to put a stop to their almost mystically terrifying actions. But whereas Zodiac casts doubts and deconstructs the procedural investigation, in this case, the killer was caught and the process results in oppressive satisfaction. The creators manage to tell a fairly intimate story about two police officers who almost never closed their eyes during the investigation and feared for the lives of their families, and, through the often brutal nature of the crimes and the amount of period material, the viewer is unknowingly forced to relive that atmosphere (on which Zodiac greatly relied) inside their own head. They also tell the events chronologically and we look at the murders according to when they were motivationally connected to key suspects, which works well to keep the curiosity about which of the trails will eventually lead the detectives to the tireless maniac. The range of motivations around the entire case is extremely complex and they not always manage to bring them to life – some of the testimonies are not very constructive, while others are hurt by tedious re-enactments (this format should provide a continuous flow of information connecting the hypotheses of the time with a retrospective reflection in various thematic circles), but the documentary is still very well structured and holds your attention from the first to the last minutes (which is also aided by the smart dosing of key twists and the questions at the end of each episode, in the style of a serial narrative). I didn’t even mind the high degree of subjective opinions or the occasional glorification of law enforcement officers that pushes aside the deeper emotions – but it’s not about psychology, it’s a description of exhausting procedures, and I quite liked it. 85% ()


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Englisch A delicacy of a documentary that will resonate with you long after watching it. Such horror simply won’t evaporate from your mind, unfortunately. The audiovisual treatment of this documentary is among the very best, with little competition in this regard (the comparison to Drive is not entirely off; it has something in common with it). The style captivated me, with the two main detectives and numerous journalists, witnesses, and survivors discussing this monster, all complemented by real photos from those horrific places where the chilling murders took place. Plus, it’s so wonderfully edited that it only enhances the final, intense impression. As the series progresses over four episodes, you, as a viewer, know that the noose is tightening around the main murderer and that he will be caught soon (I enjoyed how each episode ended with a minor cliffhanger, making it hard to resist the urge to start the next episode). Since I knew nothing about this dreadful year in LA, I was left with my mouth agape at the various twists. It offers emotional moments, a suffocating atmosphere that will make your blood run cold... It provides everything that a proper documentary on this topic should. So, it’s five stars. 9/10. ()