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Kritiken (335)


Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) 

Englisch I already mentioned all the positives and negatives in my review of the first movie, which was basically the same. The only improvement is that it managed to do without scenes involving vomit and other fecal stuff, so a cautious thumbs up.


Batman - The Dark Knight Returns, Teil 2 (2013) 

Englisch Part one of The Dark Knight Returns was already good, but part two is a whole other level of greatness. You hardly ever get to see so many great scenes, perfectly crafted dialogues and situations you'd never even dreamed of. Part two is not only much darker, more violent and brutal, but, above all, incredibly emotionally packed. The whole movie is so intense and frantic that it’s just one great fight after another. The whole part with Joker is something absolutely incredible, and his duel with Batman made me read all the books. And the final duel with Superman? A blast! I'm already looking forward to Znyder adapting it to the big screen. “It's finally here, isn't it? The moment we've both dreamed about.”


Batman - The Dark Knight Returns, Teil 1 (2012) 

Englisch An excellent first part which perfectly captures a standard superhero’s retirement. I must admit that the movie made me modify my opinion on comics, because this really isn't for kids. Honestly, something so dark, violent and brutal is rarely seen in a comic book. But, in fact, that's exactly what the book is like. Although the two main storylines are intertwined, they are different in terms of quality. Two-Face and everything around him is great and the end of his fight with Batman is brilliant. The second storyline isn’t as good because the leader of the mutants is a weak and insignificant villain. Nevertheless, the movie as a whole is really good.


Terminator: Genisys (2015) 

Englisch It took me a while to make up my mind about this movie. The negatives are just too many. For starters, I don’t think the movie as such even needed to be made, but okay. The cast isn’t exactly one of the movie’s strong points. Arnold is awesome as usual and my favorite, Emilia Clarke, is great, but all they got was a dull script and a bunch of really unlikeable supporting actors. None of the actors, with the exception of Arnold, fit their role. Mediocre through and through, which isn’t doing the Terminator franchise any favors. Nevertheless, after all the terrible trailers and poor sales at the beginning, it’s not such a disaster as I expected it to be.


The Social Network (2010) 

Englisch The most inspirational movie of my generation! Fincher deserves credit for being able to make an awesome movie tribute to the man who definitively transfered our lives online. Zuckerberg's way of thinking is as cool as Trent Reznor's score, and Eisenberg’s one-man show is a definition of a ‘tailor-made’ role.


Verliebt und Ausgeflippt (2010) 

Englisch Although I haven’t read the novel and the movie is literally a voice-over narration of the story, I didn't mind it at all. Finally, after a long time, I got to see a romantic comedy which didn't make me cringe even once and I enjoyed its amazing atmosphere all the way through, feeling absolutely great. Some of the storylines kind of fizzle out while others are completely unnecessary. At times you can tell it was made on a very tight budget. However, those are just insignificant details. I believe I'll give this an even higher rating the next time I watch it. An incredibly uplifting movie.


Focus (2015) 

Englisch A decent cast and an interesting topic, however, the whole thing kind of falls flat. Plus, I don’t know why but I had a feeling that Smith was incredibly annoyed by his comeback and found it irritating just to be on set. Let’s say it’s the fault of completely uninteresting dialogues or an overall bland story, and Smith will hopefully pull himself together before Suicide Squad.


Fast Girls (2012) 

Englisch Extremely unoriginal and completely predictable. Movies like this are a dime a dozen. Still, it’s pretty watchable and it stars Lily James, so I give it a thumbs up.


Norman fait des vidéos (2010) (Sendung) 

Englisch Probably the only YouTuber I really appreciate, otherwise I have an aversion to such pseudo-celebrities. His videos are witty and not lacking in originality. The extent to which I am affected by the French language itself and the particular French sense of humor, is really irrelevant. However, it is true that at the beginning, Norman's videos were a guarantee of great fun but, lately, the quality has been wavering. I'll wait a few more months to see how he does in the future. For now, I give it a five.


The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005) (Sendung) 

Englisch Among the countless American talk shows, Craig's is the best by a wide margin. His great improvisation skills and ability to conduct a completely laid-back and relaxed interview on any topic makes this the funniest show that you could watch on late night TV.