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Kritiken (7 576)


Warrior - Der Tiger und der Fuchs (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Lee's story was undeniably touching and politically correct, but beyond that, the episode was a real treat. The momentum from the previous episode carried over seamlessly, with events unfolding rapidly. Ah Toy finally showed her claws, adding an extra layer of excitement. And that ending? It hit like a comedic punch to the head!


Warrior - Bombenanschlag (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Well, the episode completely veered away from the odd Special Western detour we had before, confirming my suspicion that it was indeed unnecessary. Thankfully, things felt back on track. The story had a solid pace, with the plot unfolding smoothly. I particularly enjoyed the scenes in Chinatown and the resolution of O'Hara's gambling debt.


Warrior - Blut und Scheiße (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch One star goes to the gripping action sequences, and another to the welcome return of Vince Masuku. Yet, beyond that, there wasn't much else to weigh in on. It felt like the creators only had material for nine episodes, so they hastily whipped up this tangent that barely ties into the main storyline. Frankly, I'm scratching my head over how it'll impact future plots. It was fun and action-packed, no doubt, but ultimately felt like filler.


Warrior - Spielschulden (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The series was cruising along smoothly until this unnecessary hiccup. The creators decided to throw in a romantic-sexual subplot that felt forced and slowed down the pace. Frankly, I wasn't invested in it at all.


Warrior - John Chinaman (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Once again, things are looking up. The creators crafted an engaging narrative with politics and intrigue in full swing. This time, they shed light on the importance of witness protection. Back in the 19th century, such institutions weren't around, leaving families vulnerable and homes ablaze.


Warrior - Tod in Chinatown (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I must say, the story isn't half bad, and those battle scenes? They're top-notch. Organized crime and politics go hand in hand, and it seems the creators know just how to balance the two.


Warrior - Der Krieg der Tongs (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I had high hopes for this series, but the pilot episode left me a bit underwhelmed. I found it hard to believe that some random Chinese guy could take down three immigration officers without any consequences. And don't even get me started on the soundtrack. Plus, it felt like the main character missed the memo on what century we're in. His smug demeanor grated on me pretty quickly. But despite these gripes, the plot itself caught my interest, so I'm crossing my fingers for better episodes down the line.


Mary Kills People - Season 1 (2017) (Staffel) 

Englisch I would probably describe the first season as weird. About halfway through, I was convinced that I would give a “Boo!” rating to the rest of the episodes, too, but either the second half was better, or it seemed to me that way because I got numb. If the authors’ intention was for me to root for Mary, they didn’t succeed. Despite all the talk about reducing suffering and about people’s freedom to make their own decisions, you could hear the rustling of those thousands of Canadian dollar bills way too often.


Mary Kills People - Morning Glory (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch While the plot in the final episode still felt a bit contrived, it didn't quite reach the same level of ridiculousness as it did in the second and third episodes. Surprisingly, I found myself cautiously satisfied by the end of the first season, even though I was originally bracing for disappointment.


Mary Kills People - The Judas Cradle (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch The fifth episode was a step up — it wasn't mind-blowing, but it was definitely the best one yet. And hey, for the first time, it actually felt like I was watching a drama, despite some awkward acting moments.