Google Play - Streaming-Dienste

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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



MalarkeyR.I.P.D. - Rest in Peace Department(2013) 

Sometimes in America they manage to shoot a film which is an obvious bullshit since the beginning. Ryan Reynolds can consider himself lucky that he was saved by Deadpool, because after this movie and Green Lantern I… (mehr)

kaylinStraw Dogs - Wer Gewalt sät(2011) 

Rod Lurie failed to properly create an atmosphere. It's nice that the film tries to approach us with a more modern concept, but it doesn't really matter because the old one hasn't lost any relevance. The beast can… (mehr)

3DD!3R.I.P.D. - Rest in Peace Department(2013) 

A light-hearted, bite-size snack. A bit like Men in Black with ghosts instead of aliens. Here and there a snappy line, here and there a good idea, but nothing world-shattering. Bridges is funny, but steals the show too… (mehr)