
Wolverine is recovering from his injuries when he crosses paths with the loudmouth, Deadpool. They team up to defeat a common enemy. (Walt Disney US)

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Englisch Ever since the MCU has been toying with the multiverse, pretty much anything is possible in this world: even Wade Wilson and Logan reuniting on screen after fifteen years (our time). And this time, they're even bigger and more vulgar! Shawn Levy's film will be most enjoyed by fans of MCU films who have knowledge beyond that, for they will be full of bliss at the huge plethora of references, allusions and jokes to lots and lots of people. The story itself is basically simple, but the film stands on (un)expected cameos and especially on the leading duo, whose bloodthirsty banter I really enjoyed. As with previous Deadpool films, the soundtrack is great, with the the cover of Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” standing out the most of course. I literally had a royal good time at all the scenes with Nicepool and his “beautiful” dog, as well as the brutal scene or the confrontation with the Variants. Deadpool & Wolverine is inherently wacky and reference-laden bollocks, but it is aware of this and knows how to properly use it for the viewer's experience. P.S. Watch out for the "baby-knife"! ()


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Deutsch Eine Belebung der Begeisterung von dem Besten, was wir bei Marvel- und X-Men-Filmen erlebt haben. Ein nerdmäßig ausgefeiltes Leporello von Sketchen, voller Verweise nicht nur auf Figuren und Beziehungen der Comicwelten, sondern auch auf die Backstage der Hollywood-Studios, die sich nicht scheuen, ehrlich zu sein und sogar über sich selbst zu lachen. Eine tolle Nutzung des Buddy-Potenzials zwischen dem ernsten Wolverine und dem komischen Deadpool, dessen Sprüche sich Ryan Reynolds patentieren lassen könnte. Eine interessante und mächtige Bösewichtin, überraschende Auftritte alter Charaktere. Hugh Jackman spielt wie um sein Leben und alle haben sich wirklich bemüht, als ob es um die Rettung eines Phänomens ginge. Was auch der Fall war. ()


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Deutsch Die Rettung von Marvel findet eigentlich nicht statt, es ist eigentlich auch keine richtige Fortsetzung, die die beiden immer noch großartigen Deadpool-Filme verdienen würden. Meiner Meinung nach ist der dritte Teil größtenteils ein berechnender Marketingtrick (ja, ich weiß, dass Filme gemacht werden, damit die Leute sie sehen, aber es muss nicht so offensichtlich sein), dessen Handlung sein Titel zusammenfasst. Es geht nämlich nur darum, Deadpool und Wolverine herumtoben zu sehen. Erwarten Sie also keinen überraschenden Plot und leider auch keine gut geschriebene Geschichte, wie sie vor allem der erste Deadpool hatte, erwarten Sie auch – überraschenderweise – keine so einfallsreichen Actionszenen oder natürlich wirkenden Humor. In Deadpool & Wolverine ist alles entweder zu viel oder zu wenig. Ryan Reynolds und Hugh Jackman hatten sicherlich viel Spaß und gaben alles. Das, was gelungen ist, gelang hauptsächlich dank ihnen, denn Shawn Levy hat ihnen nicht besonders geholfen und die anderen Schauspieler sind vernachlässigbar und unterhalten vor allem durch ihre Rückkehr in ihre Rollen. Nicht durch irgendetwas Lustiges, was sie gemacht hätten. Ansonsten werden mich zum Beispiel die quälend langen Monologe des TVA-Chefs lange verfolgen, die bald abgedroschenen, verlangsamten Posen vor der Action, das ganze Chaos, das jemand als Geschichte bezeichnet... Wenn der Film erfolgreich wird, werde ich mich freuen und es vor allem denjenigen gönnen, die am besten abgeliefert haben. Ich kann aber sicherlich nicht behaupten, dass er gelungen ist. ()


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Deutsch Ultimatives Marvel Porno - desensibilisiertes Durcheinander von Ködern für Comic-Fans, um im Kino möglichst feuchte Sitze zu hinterlassen, gefüllt mit so vielen Sinneseindrücken, dass die meisten Zuschauer einfach ihr Gehirn ausschalten und auf der Welle der anspruchslosen Unterhaltung mitfahren. Sobald man jedoch auch nur für einen Moment über die Handlung, die Motivationen der Charaktere und die Bedeutung ihres Auftritts im Geschehen beginnt nachzudenken, wird man feststellen, dass sie praktisch gleich Null sind. Versteht mich nicht falsch, es ist wahrscheinlich der coolste Teil von Deadpool und im Gegensatz zu den meisten der letzten Marvel-Filme, die ich gesehen habe, war dies zumindest wirklich unterhaltsam, aber flache, kindisch einfache, konsumierende und nicht so lustig, wie die fünf Drehbuchautoren offensichtlich versucht haben und wollten, dass es ist. PS. Ich schätze die hinterhältige Hommage an 20th Century Fox und die originelle Wahl der Cameo-Rollen, wenn sie immer sein müssen, ein wenig hier, aber ich werde mich davon nicht einlullen lassen. ()



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Englisch I don't think so this time. The "Deadpool" stuff (the R-rating, the fourth wall breaking, the meta commentary) still worked decently, but unfortunately there is at least as much "Marvel" stuff. The aimless layering of attractions, which for me as someone who doesn't have a vivid memory of all those comic-book films, was almost mind-numbing. I probably never saw half of the cameo roles, and I don't remember a quarter of the characters, and I didn't recognize a quarter of them at first given how they’ve aged. I'm really not happy that we've clearly entered an era where to fully enjoy a new movie, you need to know not only the Marvel movies, but also the Marvel TV series, the X-men universe, the Fantastic Four, and other Disney acquisitions. The bad thing is that I don't see any more ways to get any audience enjoyment out of this, it's pure fanservice. The plot is the classic overwrought Marvel nonsense of recent times where the bad guy wants to destroy worlds because why not. Most of the story takes place in yet another new space we've never seen before, and it's all governed by rules that are pulled out of think air and always told a minute before they're acted upon. 5/10 and I regret not going to see Twisters instead. ()


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Englisch If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And Deadpool, unlike the rest of the MCU, isn't broken, so he's doing what he did last time and audiences enjoy it. The combination of gleeful violence, juvenile slapstick and solid directorial craftsmanship is spiced-up with the return of Wolverine, the great chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman and a throwback to the days of Fox comics. But anyone expecting the third Deadpool to bring any major changes to the MCU will be disappointed. A proper Deadpool comic book movie with Logan as a bonus. Nothing more, nothing less. ()


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Englisch For anyone familiar with Marvel, it was clear this movie would be a game-changer. Marvel's future seemed to hang in the balance — either they'd rise or their glory days would fade. But pairing Deadpool with Wolverine? That’s a surefire bet. Especially with Hugh Jackman once claiming his Logan days were over after Logan. The writers would have to massively screw up to make this a flop, and they didn't. Quite the opposite. From the very first scene, it's clear this movie was worth making. It's brutally honest, sharply critical of modern times and Marvel's current status in Hollywood, and filled with references that true fans will appreciate. Ryan Reynolds brings his signature crude humor, swearing like a sailor, and you can't help but love it. Hugh Jackman, on the other hand, delivers a raw, torn performance that fits Logan perfectly. Marvel nailed it this time. Kevin Feige has effectively redeemed the franchise after the last couple of years. So, what's next? ()


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Englisch I just love Deadpool! :) Insanely funny and packed with wisecracks, funny cameos and nice brutal action, what more can a viewer ask for from a summer blockbuster? As an added bonus, there's the return of everyone's favourite character Logan, with Hugh Jackman delivering some decent acting as well. It's got a great soundtrack, Shawn Levy does the best job of his career and serves up some fun eye candy moments (right off the bat the opening action sequence is like something out of “Mortal Kombat”), and that Deadpool and Wolverine fight in the car or the fight with a bunch of Deadpools were peak as hell (brutal paint job with amazing camera watching all this carnage from afar). The cameos are very entertaining, but the villain is a bit weak. Story-wise, Marvel isn't really going anywhere and I don't think Deadpool will be the saving grace, I'm more worried that it will be the last good thing from Marvel. The wisecracks and one-liners are again brilliant and I'm looking forward to a second screening so I can properly take them all in, because the cadence is insane and intense. All the ingredients I love in movies are here, so my rating is long decided. Nicepool and the ugly dog were great! 9/10. ()


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Englisch Your crazy matches my crazy. I love Deadpool, but I love Wolverine even more, and if someone had told me a few years ago that they would meet in a movie, I would never have believed it. Logan was the final chapter in every way, and even though I never truly accepted his canonical end, at the same time, I didn't need any comebacks. Because nothing could have been better. But it could have been different. The necessary events remain in their timelines and with more breaking of the fourth wall, anything, anyone, and anytime can happen. In the first half of scenes, lines, and twists, it's unbridled fun that successfully makes my thirteen-year-old self laugh to tears; the second half throws references and characters from movies I still love, but to my huge surprise, also from directions that have long been forgotten. And just by the way, it also moves me to tears. It is a monument to one universe and one giant brand, it is an obligation for all who know Wolverine's comic history and didn't believe they would ever see some of his faces on screen, and it is an amazing film with breathtaking action full of ideas and literal low blows. But for me personally, it is also one of Hugh Jackman's peak performances, often performed with face muscles alone, and almost subconsciously. I wanted an entertaining movie, I got first-class entertainment that is hardly imitable – and it's worth its weight in gold. ()


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Englisch This was for fun, it doesn't care about saving Marvel, it's more like the writers are making fun of it and reveling in the fact that it won't make sense. Isn't it? Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman made an action flick where violence solves a lot of problems as long as it's done politically correct and with humor. It's reminiscent of their commercials together, which I love from the bottom of my heart. Aviation Gin Deadpool edition. Millions of references, great cameos that make sense, and many that will make any movie fan's kid heart flutter. The acting is just top notch, and Emma Corrin though she's in the role of the boilerplate baddie rocks. The subliminal line about us incompetent guys (guys and car salesmen?) who never make it to the Avengers pulls the whole movie through and almost moves you. Deadpool has always kicked second league (go Wrexham!) now he's kicking it for unreal money and I root for him. P.S: The running joke with Johnny is an absolute blast. ()


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Englisch A madcap romp where half of it doesn't make sense, but a couple of one-liners are really good and the return of the old guys is a real treat. Hugh Jackman as we love him and surprisingly in super form again. I wouldn't go for it again, but kudos to Shawn Levy for his wholesomely politically incorrect, at times pretty wacky style and awesome action flick. ()


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Englisch The ultimate fan service, a wisecracking, bloody R-rated ride and a great combination of several worlds together. Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy are an excellent duo, and this wacky combination of insane humor that sometimes even parodies the film and brilliantly breaks the fourth wall, blending Deadpool and the X-Men into the MCU, and the absolutely breathtaking return of several UNEXPECTED characters to the universe is simply a guarantee of quality popcorn entertainment. My advice is to read nothing, watch no trailers and just go to the cinema as a fan and I guarantee you'll be over the moon with happiness when those few characters arrive. A royal affair for fans that is original in that it doesn't take itself seriously at all, and in turn deals the cards in such a way that we can only hope for some epic coming together of everything in future films or series. The excitement for all the other potential stuff probably won't let me sleep today, and I left the cinema smiling like I haven't in a long time. ()


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Englisch Ryan Reynolds might truly be the Marvel messiah. In recent years, the quality of MCU projects has really wavered. So, HE just had to come onto the scene! Add to that the return of one of the most beloved and iconic characters in comic book history, Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman... and you’ve got half the success guaranteed right there! The third installment isn’t much about the story (but let’s be honest, Deadpool never really focused on that), but rather about breaking the fourth wall, a ton of effective quips, and, last but not least, the return of characters that we, the viewers, adore (especially appreciated was the bespectacled guy who pretty much kickstarted the entire Marvel universe back then). The chemistry between Reynolds and Jackman is unmatched. All of this is accompanied by a top-notch soundtrack and impressive action scenes (like the opening with NSYNC or the fight in the "infamous" Honda Odyssey). Yeah, I really enjoyed this. In the end, it’s a bit disappointing that the main villain failed to make an impact and felt incredibly dull. But I won’t let that spoil it. The new Deadpool gets an 8/10. P.S. ()

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